Yes, another GRACK! Boy, howdy.
This one’s so cool, I even got a compliment from Del Miller. If you don’t know that name, you damn well should. Google up a mess o’ Del’s stuff and find out why I once told him I was going to have to break his keyboard. This week’s effort is entitled “FATHER DUST.” What the hell is that about? Fathers, obviously. And dust. The gritty stuff that gets between your pages when you try to read your mind. Read on, if you dare.
[excerpt] Last summer I contracted with a very talented and accomplished musician for a Web site. The work took halfway to eternity, however, due at first to dovetailing weaknesses. He ran out of money and didn’t send me the content I needed to finish the site, because then I’d be done and expect to be paid. Meanwhile I didn’t nag, even though I needed the money, which bothered me no end. I wanted to deliver, but there was this electric fence around the project. Eventually he got the material to me, but still I couldn’t do the work I’d promised. Finally one day it hit me what was really going on: it was all about the pictures…
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Gee, I hope I can edit this post, in case I screwed up the URLs.
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