So, thanks to the girlish chuckling of those colonial chaps on the podcast, I did not get a chance to have my full say on the David Cowan issue.
My understanding of the flap around this character is that he has been spouting balderdash about Macs and Security on the BBC World Service or such like.
I have to say that is just not cricket. Factual accuracy is paramount in my book – how else can you be sure that eggs are eggs and that we won the war?
Fortunately, while dining at my club this evening I had a quiet word with my friend Sir Basil Fortescue-Hughes from MI6, he assures me the bounder will be taken care of.
It seems that, contrary to popular opinion, we do still have an Empire. Dashed sure the cad will be picking tea leaves in Darjeeling by the end of the week!
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