Essential Apple Podcast 111: Catching up with Jeff Gamet

Recorded 11th November 2018

This week Apple launched a pair of repair programs for some iPhone X and 13-inch MacBook Pro models, reviewers have been going at the new Apple hardware with in depth reviews, and Uncle Tim promised money for the wildfires in Califonia. Meanwhile Samsung showed off a face to face folding screen (just about) and Xiaomi are coming to the UK hoping to take on Apple and Samsung.
I am joined by guest Jeff Gamet formerly of the Mac Observer and now with Smile Software, and Mark and I are keen to get the full story on that from the horse’s mouth; as well as to discuss all the other news.
DONT FORGET THE JOE KISSELL OFFER… 30% OFF any Take Control purchase before November 30th with this link 30% Off or use the code ESSENTIALAPPLE at checkout.
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  • – Never give out your real email address online again.
  • Sudo – Get up to 9 “avatars” with email addresses, phone numbers and more to mask your online identity. Free for the first year and priced from $0.99US / £2.50UK per month thereafter…
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  • Wire – Free for personal use, open source and end to end encryted messenger and VoIP.
  • Pinecast – a fabulous podcast hosting service with costs that start from nothing.
  • Everyone should have a font manager… I really do believe that. So I highly recommend FontBase — All platforms. Professional features. Beautiful UI. Totally free. FontBase is the font manager of the new generation, built by designers, for designers.

Essential Apple is not affiliated with or paid to promote any of these services… We recommend services that we use ourselves and feel are either unique or outstanding in their field, or in some cases are just the best value for money in our opinion.

On this week’s show:



  • @Oceanspeed on Twitter
  • Occasionally puts Essential Apple related stuff on YouTube


  • What Reviewers Are Saying About the New Apple iPad Pro – Barron’s
    • 2018 iPad Pro review: “What’s a computer?” – Ars Technica
  • Apple Mac mini (2018) review: The little Mac that could – ZDNet
    • Review: 2018 Mac mini – Apple’s most versatile Mac 9to5 Mac
  • MacBook Air 2018: hands-on with Apple’s new ultra-thin laptop – The Verge
    • MacBook Air review: Out with the old and in with the new, for better or worse – MacWorld
  • iPhone Xr is a pretty good deal in historical terms – Reddit
  • Apple’s Tim Cook promises donations for latest California wildfires – Apple Insider


  • Apple and Amazon strike deal to directly sell more products, including iPhone, iPad and Beats – The Apple Post


  • Samsung folding smartphone revealed to developers – BBC News
    • It’s not a phone it is a demo unit showing the folding screen
  • Xiaomi arrives in the UK looking to take on Samsung and Apple – The Independent
    • Chinese phone firm Xiaomi launches first product in the UK and hopes to tempt you away from Apple or Samsung — Metro


For things that are not worth more than a flypast

  • AI news anchor makes debut in China – NPR


Nemo’s Hardware Store (40.21)

Social Media and Slack

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  • Also a big SHOUT OUT to the members of the Slack room without whom we wouldn’t have half the stories we actually do – we thank you all for your contributions and engagement.
  • You can always help us out with a few pennies by using our Amazon Affiliate Link so we get a tiny kickback on anything you buy after using it.
  • If you really like the show that much and would like to make a regular donation then please consider joining our Patreon or using the Pinecast Tips Jar (which accepts one off or regular donations)
  • And a HUGE thank you to the patrons who already do.

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