Escaping the Mac Addiction

This year is the 21st anniversary of my introduction to Macintosh. I’m still in love. But sometimes one needs a break, even from the objects of one’s deepest desire. Last week was one of those times.

I hadn’t been out of the house except to do the grocery shopping. My head felt slightly spacey … and it wasn’t because of the diminishing of grey matter, though that might have been a contributing factor.

My son Jeremy needed to go to a job interview at O’Reilly’s, a rainforest retreat in the Lamington National Park, two and a half hours drive from Brisbane. His car was out of action, so Colin and I decided it would be a nice day out for all of us.

The last time I visited O’Reilly’s I was fit, beautiful (let’s not let truth get in the way of a good story) and 45 years younger. In those days it was an ‘economy’ resort, with rudimentary accommodation, hearty meals (males got larger servings!!!) and rough, leech-infested paths through the magnificent rainforest. Nowadays it’s a luxury resort, but it has carefully maintained the integrity of the forest. There are still plenty of rough paths, but the easier walks are now paved in an attractive terracotta material, and not a leech to be seen (I hate leeches more than flies).

The O’Reilly family has owned and operated the resort since 1911. It’s a fascinating story:

gold coast hinterland rainforest retreat

I wondered if I’d be disappointed by the changes, but I wasn’t. Just a little sad that I could no longer afford to stay there, unless I camped, and I’m getting beyond that (now just wait a minute there! I’m not that old).

While Jeremy had his interview we went on one of the easy walks. I’ll let the pictures tell the story:

On left, strangler fig devouring a rock. On right, the treewalk, 20 metres above the ground (it felt higher). Jeremy climbed up a ladder to an even higher platform 30 metres above ground. I felt ‘funny’ just watching him.

Down at ground level, magnificent funghi

Feeding time. On left, girl with king parrots. Centre, girl with red parakeets. Right, Paddymelon near the camping area (Paddymelons are a very small variety of kangaroo, about the size of a medium dog, which live in the rainforest).

Interview over, and souls refreshed, we headed back down the scary, twisting, one-lane road at dusk. We had to be extra careful because kangaroos tend to come out on the road at that time of day.

Two wallabies, engaged in serious conversation.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that Jeremy got the job. I was looking forward to the excuse to return to O’Reilly’s on purpose. One thing is for certain… I won’t be visiting in another 45 years!

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