Food and Wine 3 – Geeky Ladies Episode 9

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The Ladies talk about their favorite Food and Wine apps. Suze´ loves the French and Italian recipes, Vicki is the resident wine connoisseur, and Elisa, well, her cooking skills are questionable.

Shameless self promotion: writer Donny Yankellow has a new book in the iTunes book store: Looking For A DinosaurOn sale for $.99 until Sept 21. Preschool-grade 2. Need iBooks 1.2 or later to read.

Elisa’s son Shane Pacelli has a Kindle ebook available now. The Teacher That Didn’t Teach $.99. Cover by Donny Yankellow.

WE HAVE A CONTEST!! Win a copy of WritePDF, an iPad app graciously donated by EuroSmartz. Leave a comment on our web page about why you want this app. Or give us a show suggestion. Or just say hi. We’ll announce the winner on the next podcast.

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Fooducate Free, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iOS 4.0 or later
Betty Crocker Cookbook for iPad Free, requires iOS 3.2 or higher
Mastering the Art of French Cooking– Julia Child $4.99, iPad, requires iOS 4.0 or later
Mario Batali Cooks! $9.99, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, require iOS 3.2 or later
Jamie’s Recipes Free, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, requires iOS 5.0 or later
How to Cook Everything $9.99, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, requires iOS 4.0 or later
Wine Notes Free, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, requires iOS 4.0 or later
Lot18 Free for Phone, iPod touch and iPad, requires iOS 5.0 or later
Cook’s Illustrated by America’s Test Kitchen Free for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, requires iOS 4.0 or later
Open Table for iPad by OpenTable, Inc. Free for iPad, requires iOS 5.0 or later
Epicurious Recipes & Shopping List by Conde Nast Digital Free for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, requires iOS 4.0 or later



Contact Us
vestokes at gmail dot com
suzegilbert at gmail dot com
senseidai at gmail dot com

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