Enough MJ Already

I don’t know about you, but I’m about full-up with the Michael Jackson stories, hypotheses, retrospectives, and just plain garbage-enelia. Okay, the man was talented, no doubt. He had a profound effect on pop music. Undeniable. But that’s about it.

If you look at the man’s life in its entirety you see a deeply disturbed individual who had no grasp of reality, changed his “look” several times to the point of being grotesque, had questionable behavior around children, and spent a billion dollars on “whatever” and had to borrow almost half of it to boot. The man was an anomaly in the worst possible way.

On the other hand, I felt a much greater sense of loss when John Lennon was killed. He was a pop idol too, except he was open about his weaknesses, came around as a family man, promoted world peace, and was shot down in cold blood by a maniac. Now THAT’S tragic.

I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But when those eyes can’t see the entire picture, just a small fraction of the whole, then myopia takes over and we lose simple common sense. The news media seems to think that all we citizens want to hear about is MJ. I know that his untimely death is a big story, but is it bigger than Obama giving away the country through cap and trade? Is it bigger than N. Korea threatening to blow us out of the water? Or how about Iran’s ruling party beating the crap out of anybody who disagrees with them while building a nuclear program designed to “wipe Israel off the face of the globe?”

Sorry for Michael Jackson and his family, but even sorrier for those who hold him up as some kind of deity when he was really just a totally screwed up individual.

We live in a celebrity culture which has blinded us to ourselves and the world around us. God have mercy on us, for we have surely lost control, just like MJ.

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