email page – MyMac Magazine #8, Dec. 1995


I just read MYMAC Times #5, The October Issue. I really enjoyed it. I would like to subscibe. Also could you send me past copies #1,2,3, and 4. This way I can read all of them and be up on what is happening.

In addition, I would like to mention that there are a few other programs that should receive mention in the top ten list. Window Shade, WYSIWYG, MenuChoice, and Snap-To, just to state a brief list. There are many others that have converted my Mac Quadra 660AV into a real powerhouse operating machine! I pity those IBM and clone users, they don’t know what they are missing.


Thanks for the letter, Phil! I wish I could send you all back issue’s of My Mac, but I really cannot afford that big of a On-Line bill! However, anyone wanting back issue’s can find them all on AOL. Do a keyword search from Computing for “DS9DS9”, and you should find them.All newer issue’s can be found on Macworld online.(keyword “Macworld”) Look in “New Uploads”.

Just a few thoughts about your seventh issue, which I consider your best:
Love the Enterprise cover! Like you said, who cares if it isn’t related to the mag? It’s cool, so use it!!!

Glad to see you liked Mr. Lu’s article, too. Also glad Mr. Lu allowed all of us to use it freely.

Tim! Leave eWorld! How could you!? I see your points, but I still think that eWorld is the greatest thing since the invention of the modem.What’s there not to like about it? I’ve never had a resource that I needed that I couldn’t find there, so I don’t know what the big deal is about AOL having more info. Info is one thing, overkill is another.Besides, Web Browsers are available for both services. If I really need something that I can’t find, there’s got to be a URL or two I can try… I won’t bore you with more reasons, b/c I wrote a whole article full of ’em not too long ago, but I will end by saying ZMac’s worth the ten bucks a month anyway. MacWEEK and ZMac-exclusive utilities and stuff – it don’t get any better!

You mentioned something about Internet via online service vs. Internet via your own account.I have tried only the former, so I can’t compare the two. However, people have complained the eWorld Web Browser being slow or not as good as, say, Netscape. Again, I can’t compare, but I find the speed more than tolerable, especially at top-speed 19600 baud!

I also enjoyed your guest writers – they do a great job.

Once again, keep up the great work. It’s good to see you gaining
support and readership, you certainly deserve it. This issue was a tad longer than previous ones, but I don’t mind – it still took only two minutes! I spend 10 downloading MacSense (OK, that annoys me a little bit). You could easily make it a three or four minutes d/l and I wouldn’t mind one bit. Once more, this was your best yet – keep ’em comin’!


Mike Wallinga/eWorld
Editor, Wall Writings

I am still trying to get Mike to write for My Mac, but he has been to busy with his Football team so far.(They were doing great last I heard!)
For more information on Internet Connections, see Evan McCarthy’s new column by that very name every month here in My Mac, starting this very issue!
About eWorld. Like I said in my column in issue #7, there are a lot of reasons not to leave eWorld. But not enough. And now, what with eWorld converting to a Internet Provider, it is kind of a moot point.
Oh well, live and learn. Apple seems to be doing just that.

To: DS9DS9

I recently viewed your November issue of My Mac. I enjoyed it, greatly and would like to subscribe for additional issues.

I’ve recently been working for Apple on their “Demo Day Program” at Best Buy. It’s great watching customers ponder over the various DOS machines in the store, and the only program they can demo or run easily is the solitare card game, must be the only thing DOS does well. My mission is to save some souls from the dreadful mistake of DOS.
Keep up the great work…

Arnie Loukinen

Go get them, brother Arnie! Convert the sinning masses! Bring them to the fold! We shall show them the TRUE way! For we are the righteous! We are the truth! we…..
Sorry, the TV was on late last night, I must have subconsciously picked up something. Not sure what, though?

Hi Tim,
While searching for interesting anything (especially things for my Mac) I came across the description of your magazine and decided to download it and give it a try.
Now, you must know, that I read almost anything I can get my hands on having to do with Macs (it’s like a disease, I even read every catalog I have received). I’ve downloaded a few magazines and have been disappointed and have had no reason to try them again. I am very glad that I found yours, IT’S GREAT!
I have not finished it yet but what I have read, I like. The writing is done by knowledgeable people and not written to the professional computer user. So many times I don’t know what they are talking about in the magazines I receive at home (I read it anyway thinking someday I’ll know it). I am just a teacher trying to enjoy a tool I can use at work while I’m at home.
I want to know about little utilities that I may or may not want to use, that may or may not make using my Mac easier. When I read a description I don’t always understand what the utilities do. I hope that with the help of your magazine and your little reviews I will understand a little better.
Anyway, I would like to recieve your magazine PLEEZ!
Thank You,

I have also read many eZines that either “talk down’ to the readers, or talk about stuff most casual computer users would never understand. I hope that I never fall prey to doing so myself. It is not easy at times! I know what they are talking about, but often find myself wondering how they ever attract new readers? That is what My Mac is for. Mac users, people just like you, as well as the professional users. And while a computer is really a tool, it is also fun! I hope My Mac can help you learn a few things, as well as have a good time while reading. After all, all the writers here started out as a subscriber, so it really is just us Mac folks talking to each other!

With that, I invite you all to write in. Have something on your mind? Or learned something neat about your computer? Share it with us! As Mac user’s, we only make up 10-12% of computer users, and we need to stick together!

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