My team won the Superbowl yesterday. I am very happy for Adam Vinatieri. Had he missed that kick, he would have felt that he lost the game. He would have become New Englands’s new Bill Buckner. (Okay, maybe not quite. Poor Bill didn’t win one and then lose one.) Carolina, on the other hand, lost as a team. And just barely. Tom, “gee I had better march down the field now” Brady, does what he always seems to do: Defeat defeat.
I missed Janet’s exposure. I’m not sure what the fear of the human anatomy is all about. They shake it, talk about, accentuate it, play act the mating ritual, and even call it titillation. But, whatever you do, don’t view one in public. But, if you build one in marble, then that’s okay.
It was thrilled to see the glass shards pops commercial. I know I am not alone in viewing this world as more than a little bit insane. Complacent morons need to be wrestled free of the brainless ideas that control their minds. Let’s start with Pepsi, Steve Jobs, and the RIAA.
That commerical “I fought the law, and the law won” was disgusting, vile, putrid pornography. Young children were being coerced to perform slavish acts by those in authority for the crime of listening to music. A product deemed so valuable that the company is now giving it away for free!!!!!
Here in Massachusetts, the Catholic Church is on a rampage about same sex marriages. If you do a little digging, you can find a Supreme Court decision from 1958 discussing the Virginia statute regarding inter-racial marriages. It was argued that God created separate continents for separate races and that the comingling of the races was unnatural.
So, barely a year after the shepherds have been exposed for laying with the lambs, we are now to believe the Church is full of political wisdom. I doubt their unnatural experience was the proper path to wisdom. We have become a nation and a world that cannot recognize the difference between a sin and a crime.
This is not new. Christ was publicially tried and executed too. The use of the law by complacent morons “who know not what they do” to follow a law decided within the vacuum of democracy, is always how tryanny usurps the authority of justice.
Everyone in New England will be lining up buying championship T-shirts this morning. People will be thrilled with the free music they get with each bottle of Pepsi. Oh, life in the bubble is just fine. And the kids will be grateful for the mercy that Pepsi and Apple meted out to ease the stings of the RIAA. Yes, every prostitute is happy to get home alive at the end of the day. They are thankful for whatever crumb of victory they can gather. I don’t blame Apple or Pepsi for this prostitution, I blame the RIAA. And I blame you and me. We are the complacent morons that protect the vaporous property of sound while we prosecute the children. It is quite a lesson we are teaching our young.
Go Team!
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