Doing the Unthinkable: Ditching Safari

Back in the days before Safari, I used OmniWeb. It was very nice and free. Then I switched to Safari when it came out and never looked back.

From time to time, I’ve used FireFox 2 for various reasons, but I never felt at home in FireFox. It just had that cross platform smell. Not quite as bad as the back of a New York Cab, but something just didn’t seem right.

Then Jeff Gamet, the morning editor at The Mac Observer, started his (soon to be legendary) Browser Chronicles in which he has forced himself to live without Safari for a week at a time. All day long.

First was FireFox. Jeff has the same feeling about Firefox as I do, but then, in his second week, he got really excited about OmniWeb.

So I tried it, and I’m loving it.

Since this isn’t a review, I won’t go into details. I refer you to Jeff’s
article above and therein a link to a previous, formal review. Here’s the
bottom line: OmniWeb is clean, fast, beautiful, functional, and seems
to exist on another plane of Browser excellence compared to anything
I’ve ever used. You should check it out free for 30 days.

Regrettably, there’s a kicker. While just about every Web Browser for the Mac is free,OmniWeb costs $15.00 nowadays. Is it worth it? Yes. May I repeat the aphorism? You get what you pay for.

Consider me a Switcher.

Try this. Live in it for two days. Get over the initial learning period that creates some newbie frustration and learn to exploit it. Then tell us all what you think.

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