Dog Fight

Wow, that was an interesting hiatus. Spent dough at the vet, got the basement cleaned up, all in all a miserable time in suburbia. But isn’t that what day to day life is all about? One annoyance after another until you finally give up and have a beer? Probably.

There were interesting moments however, tonight the dogs got into a massive fight. Take a look at the dogs:

Sure they seem like good pals, sleeping comfortably on the couch. Apparently the pic is misleading, the good friend romp and stomp ruse was actually shallow charade. In reality there was a deep seated resentment, the flames of hate forging an ever growing urge to kill..killKILL. Or maybe they just got pissed off at each other when the doorbell rang.

Either way, flames of hate -OR- mere friendly spat a dogfight did, in fact, occur. Here the easy thing is to predict a bulldog victory, he’s got a thirty pound advantage and, more or less, is bred for fighting. Of course the easy money isn’t always right. The boston is much quicker and more agile than the aged bulldog. So I witnessed the boston flashing in and out giving quick chomps and backing off, stick and move, stick and move. The bulldog just waved his massive head around oblivious of the mounting bites hoping to find a nice skull on which to rest his massive canines.

I thought I broke up the fight pretty quick. I grabbed the bulldog by his collar and pulled him back still snarling. The boston, thinking quickly for a change, saw this as an oppurtunity and went for the unprotected chest area. Luckily, for the bulldog, the boston’s teeth might as well be chalk nubs so no serious damage occured. In a last ditch effort to draw blood the boston jumped up and grabbed a nice piece of bulldog chin. This effort met with success. By the time they were actually separated the bulldog had a small trickle of blood under his lower lip.

I thought that was the extent of the dog to dog damage but tonight I noticed one of the boston’s eyes had swelled up like it had been through a Rocky movie. Closer inspection revealed that the bulldog had scored quickly, a puncture wound was present under the right eye of the boston. This means two things: another trip to the vet (who will charge me like crazy) and yet another medication to pass out. Which is a real chore. I generally wrap dog pills in cheese and everybody loves cheese. Cheese love means that two dogs, one twenty month old and, honestly, one stay at home parent are all wondering if that little piece of cheese might be better in their stomach than the stomach of the intended recipient. I’m not going to say I don’t break down occaisionally but I will say that I’ve seen no adverse affects on humans from frontline.

Wow, I’ve seen more interesting monographs. If you read all that I apologise.

What’s more important than links? Nothing.

From Todd Long:
Don’t let your girlfriend see your noodle
Todd said he wasn’t sure what to think of this, I think it’s pretty funny.

Another beer based game in yet another language I can’t understand:
Fill it up

A great frickin game. The Phone

And that’s it, that is all I’ve got except for the tridiot rating. Which is (insert drumroll)

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