Does Bryant Gumbel Need Work?

I think he must, after all he did a piece of purest, grade A, shinola on the Sci Fi channel. Geeze Bryant you’ve slipped fairly low.

Okay, I’m not going to say that aliens don’t exist. I would put the probability pretty high that there is intelligent somewhere else in the vastness of space. I am going to say that the chances that aliens are visiting earth are remarkably low. There are a variety of of reasons for this so lets run through them:

FTL travel: Faster than light travel is specifically forbidden by Einstein’s theories, I won’t bore you with the math but it’s not just the zero in the divisor that blows the idea. Once FTL travel is ruled out then you’ve got to have some really old aliens.

Secrecy: If the President of the United States can’t keep a little knee pad action a secret how does one imagine that there is a giant conspiracy that can actually keep the numerous crashes and abductions under wraps? And why don’t UFO’s ever crash in countries without the scratch to afford large cover ups?

Finally, how the %$@# would the aliens know where to find us? And why would they want to? (Think FTL again)

Sure, it’s fun to play with but not every weird occurrence has some exotic answer. I lost my keys the other day, I was sure I left them on the counter. Was it pixies, gremlins, or greys who hid them in the doorknob?

If I’m gonna buy into this super shinola I’m gonna need some very good evidence. not metal foil you can crush that returns to it’s original shape (from a “documentary” on Roswell) cause it’s called mylar, impressive (and around) in the fifties but you can buy it a grocery store now.

Super cool link of the moment:
Two Towers Extended Trailer

Cool Mac article of the day:
Well, it mentions me. But I’m covered, I don’t enjoy taking snaps like I enjoy making vids. If you ever have a vidcam question that’s the guy to ask. In fact when people mail me vid cam questions I mail him, then I regurgitate the answer and pretend I’m really smart when I reply. Nifty.

TV Pick:
Line of Fire

Three spoonfuls of Space Honey……

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