.docx files and Safari

If you didn’t know about the .docx file format, let me be the first to tell you about it. Simply put, it is the new default file format for Microsoft Office 2007. There are several solutions for opening these files on a Mac, including Pages 08.

I just received my first .docx file in an email today, and I downloaded it through Safari. I knew Pages 08 would open the file, so I didn’t think it would be a problem (I own iWork 08). However, Safari downloaded the file as a zipped file (filename.docx.zip). Double clicking this file expands the .zip file into a folder full of files (I guess these make up a .docx file). Pages could not open that. In fact, nothing could.

After searching the web, I found two solutions.

Solution 1: Download the file via another browser (Camino, Firefox, etc.). This keeps the file in tact as a document.

Solution 2: After downloading change the name of the zipped file. Delete the .zip off the filename. You will be asked if you want to remove the .zip extension. Say yes. This converts the zipped file into a document that Pages 08 will open.

If you don’t have Pages 08, here are a few more options:

1. NeoOffice (free) is suppose to open .docx files. www.neooffice.org

2. Microsoft has a beta version of a conversion software for the mac available here: http://tinyurl.com/29lkb7

3. There is an online conversion service available: http://docx-converter.com/

4. The same site in #3 offers a dashboard widget converter: http://docx-converter.com/widget/

I have not tried any of the above options. I have read that they all work to a varying degree of success. Pages 08 seemed to do a great job for me (so far).

Do you know of any other options? Post them below.

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