Digital Photos from Concept to Completion – Learn By Video Workshop Review

Digital Photos from Concept to Completion – Learn By Video Workshop
Peachpit Press
US 34.99, CAN 36.99 – Shop online for better pricesISBN-13: 978-0-321-80956-8

This video workshop consists of four hours of instruction on selecting subjects for photography, shooting the pictures, and processing them with Adobe Photoshop. The tutorial is theoretically aimed at the beginner to intermediate level student, but you must take that with a grain of salt. If you’re not familiar with the use of Adobe Photoshop, you’ll quickly find yourself in the dark.

The biggest problem with this DVD workshop is that it tries to do too much and ends up being presumptuous. Tim Grey, the photographer/instructor, often will tell you what he’s doing but not why. He’ll say he’s using this or that F-stop but the statement is never followed by an explanation or any actual instruction. The student will often be scratching his head because the instructor simply makes pronouncements without shedding any light on the process involved.

Srtrangely, he spends little time setting up a shot or explaining how and why to adjust the camera’s settings, but dedicates considerable energy enhancing the image with Photoshop. Unless you’re well acquainted with the tools and functions of Photoshop, you’ll have no clue what he’s doing, which means you’ll never be able to reproduce the effects he’s created.

Not recommended. MyMac Review Rating: 2 out of 8


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