Diary of a MyMacer, Part One

Day One (Sunday)
As I loaded the car and prepared for my trek to San Francisco, I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. I had been to a number of Macworlds in the previous years. This, however, was my first Macworld as a member of the media. This would be my opportunity to see Macworld from the inside out. Always peering through that symbolic window like a child staring into a candy shop full of his favorite treats, I often wondered what it would be like to attend Macworld as a part of the media. Thanks to the graciousness of MyMac.com and its princely owner operator, my day in the sun had finally arrived.

As I arrived in SF and checked into my room, I wondered around this eclectic cohesion of gothic, postmodern, and twenty-first century ghetto architectures. If there is another place like it on this planet, I have neither seen nor heard of it. No where else can one find a row of cardboard castles on one street and a sea of Prada on the very next. It sounds strange I know. Somehow, it all comes together and converges into a magical place that I love to visit.

Finally in the downtown region, I toured the Moscone complex where the Macworld Expo rises in the sun every year to grace us with its promise of new and shinny products, goods, and services. I don’t know what I was hoping to find, maybe a glimpse of someone or something, some-sort of tidbit for our readers. Alas, I was relegated to plopping down at the nearest Starbucks and anxiously awaiting the morning when magic would surely begin.

Day Two (Monday)
It was about 4:45AM Monday morning and I was up early checking my email. I received an email from our fearless leader. Jumped up, threw on some sweats, dodged a few cardboard castles and voila! In Tim and Guy’s room, the mood was excitement over Macworld. We all laughed and joked around. It was like three buddies on a road trip. It was there that I saw my MyMac shirt for the first time, OMG! What a beautiful shirt. The shirts added a real sense of class and professionalism to the MyMac presence. Kudos to all who worked on their design and execution.


Next stop, breakfast. As we walked down Mission toward downtown proper, the sites and sounds (and odors) filled our senses. Finally arriving at our destination, it was the place of many a MyMac meeting. Mel’s Diner has become the De facto watering hole for most MyMacers. After a great breakfast, we headed for Moscone South to pickup Tim’s Press Credential. Without it he would have missed the Philnote. Not too sure that would have been a bad thing, but I digress.


Back at Tim and Guy’s room, I met another MyMacer, Owen Rubin. As a fellow former Apple employee turned MyMac staffer, Owen and I commiserated about our time at Apple. We all had a laugh as Owen and I took the Apple Quiz that would make its official debut Wednesday at the Speck booth. It was then time to get things together and head over to Moscone South for a battle meeting with Microsoft and later, the Second Annual MyMac Macworld Meet-up.



After the meet-up, we decided to use one of the new podcast booths provided by IDG within the media room. The day one podcast, was a light and fun podcast where some of our listeners had a chance to take part in the podcast with Tim and all the guys, great fun.


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