Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Bleak, balmy days that are just a bit too hot (and humid). Balmy days for those of us on the west coast; hot and humid days for everyone else. It is not snowing anywhere, so we dream of snow, – and of keynotes.
We are becalmed these August days into a stale and breathless sea, seemingly without hope of our sails ever being furled again.
These endless days of Augustus are like a vast wilderness, where there is nothing to do but tweak our old Macs, and try to migrate our files to new drives. Days where we wonder if we will be able to find all the media disks we need, to install our software all over again.
The empty days of August are filled with speculation, both idle and insane; vain and sublime. Will we have a reprieve from all this misery in September, or must we wait all the way until next January?
These days that seems to go on forever, while we wait for that ONE bright DAY of September (the 9th), when Apple will have a KEYNOTE, and where there will be ONE MORE THING!
Pray for yourselves in these endless, empty days. Pray for us as well, who wait for just one more REALITY DISTORTION to make our lives worthwhile again.
For what are we MYMAC writers to do, without some new thing from Apple to write about with joy, fury and abandon?
Will these days never end?
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
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