After posting my blog post yesterday (read it here) the first day here in S.F. really kicked off when everyone here showed up at my hotel room at the Holiday Inn before heading out to get some food. Most of us had yet to eat, and had arrived just hour before. Everyone as hungry, but thankfully I was able to hold off the mob of tired and hungry men until everyone was present.
It was quite amazing to have this many people in my hotel room with one common bond: Only half those present have anything to do with the site, while the others are readers or listeners of the podcast, and it made the meet up even more special.
Here are some pictures from last night.
Here is the entire gang, save who took the picture. Now, I am very bad with names, so if I mess this up, please forgive me! They are (from left)
MyMac writer Dan Robinson, David and Beejay from the U.K., Me in the front, Guy Serle behind me, Rick Stringer from the Variant Frequencies Podcast in the red shirt, with his son Neil right next to him, MyMac podcaster and writer David Cohen to my left in the blue shirt and black coat, and MyMac writer Larry Grinnell showing off his Starbucks coffee. The person not in the photo is David Cohen’s brother, a very nice guy I first met last night.
Beejay rented a car, and so had to park it somewhere before we headed out to a steak diner. After leaving my room, we all waited in the hotel lobby and got to know each other a little better.’s new writer, Dan Robinson, sports the cyborg-link bluetooth headset while waiting in the lobby of our hotel. Dan is staying four floors above me.
Also in the lobby, Rick talks with Guy Serle (off camera) while David Cohen and his brother (whom I have completely forgotten his name) speak with… I have no idea.
Larry chills in the lobby.
At the overpriced and not very good restaurant. Rick, Neil, David Cohen, and Dan Robinson on one side of the table.
On the other side, Beejay, Tim (me!), Guy, and Larry.
It was a fun night, with ten of us walking a few miles downtown after eating. Later, I would record podcast 162, and finish just five minutes before Guy showed up at my room.
Now it is time to hit the shower, and get the day started! Look for more photos later today, as I email John Farr pictures from my iPhone as the day goes on! John will post them here on the blog side.
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