Day 1 in SF, Part III: MyMac Podcast Meetup

A personal note to start this one off…

I hope Tim gets a shot of Steve Jobs tomorrow, so I can post it. I’ll never forget Macworld Expo New York, 1999, or was it the San Francisco Expo 2000? So much for not forgetting. But at one of those, I hung out after the keynote and mingled with the crowd near the stage. At one point Jobs walked past me, close enough to reach out and touch, and the whiff of perspiration coming off the Apple CEO was strong enough to kill an ox. That’s what I can’t forget, because I recognized it for what it was: performance sweat!

Below are a few images taken today at the MyMac video podcast meetup. Since I wasn’t there, I can’t tell if these guys were nervous, too. Doesn’t look like it, I have to say. To start off, here’s Larry Grinnell manning the video camera while David Serle does the MC thing:

Cool, calm, collected… but wait, this looks exciting: someone taking a picture of Larry taking a picture. Awriiiiight!

Look, it’s Dan and Nemo (Dan Robinson & John Nemerovski)! I’d know them anywhere now. These are all iPhone photos, by the way.

But wait, who’s this? Why, it’s John Martellaro! My man Marty! He has a gig with Mac Observer now. I still have the original iPod he sold me for 20 bucks. Marty also gave me a B&W G3 once, and I still have that too. Hard to give up Macs, and I’ll never give up any of my Mac friends.

And finally, a REAL “who’s this?” That’s Tim on the right, moving too fast for the iPhone camera, but who’s the Man in Red? Inquiring minds want to know!

That’s it for today. Tomorrow’s the keynote, and MyMac will have all the highlights.

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