Day 1 in SF, Part II: MyMac Crew at Mel’s Restaurant

We’re making this up as we go along, so bear with me. Tim is taking pictures with his iPhone in San Francisco and emailing them to me for posting from Taos, New Mexico. As I recall from the last time I hit Macworld Expo, there’s just too much going on to be able to sit down with a laptop and actually work… and don’t be fooled by fancy updates from those other sites, they’re just faking it!

So here we go: first up is David Cohen. Does he have enough cream and ketchup?

Next we have Larry Grinnell, David, and a bystander in a red shirt who isn’t sure he wants his picture taken in a restaurant with a bunch of Mac fanatics!

Here’s Tim with Guy Serle. You know what this means, don’t you? Tim let someone else use his iPhone. (Don’t forget to wipe the butter and bacon grease off the touch screen.)

Finally, here’s Guy and Dan Robinson. Looks like a great time is being had by all.

Be sure to check back frequently for more updates and photos. I’ll be posting these as soon as Tim sends them, throughout the week. Tomorrow’s the big day, of course, and we’ll be bringing you all the keynote highlights.

Stay tuned!

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