Cutting Heads

Today there have been reports of The Phillipines pulling out of Iraq. Then there were reports that maybe they wouldn’t pull out of Iraq. Basically it’s all up in the air.

Presumably the pullout or stay in is precipitated or delayed by the threat of a beheading. Angelo de la Cruz has been kidnapped and the deal is that if The Phillipines don’t pull out by some arbitrary date the kidnappers will go Henry VII on the guy.

I feel a lot of sympathy for poor Angelo, this was none of his doing. (I guess, somehow I doubt a truck driver once sat on the foriegn relations board), If I was kidnapped I would say “I voted libertarian, I voted libertarian” But a government can’t cave in to terrorist threats. Why not cave for one head? If The Phillipines actually pull out because someone might get Ted Williamsed they are in for all kinds of hell. Some guy will kidnap someone and threaten to kill him if he doesn’t get better phone service or something. Of course that will get no response so the guy will have to submit a new threat: If I don’t get static free service I’ll chop his head off. HEad cutting seems to get a nice response.

Which is really the point of this rambling post. Dead is dead, pregnant is pregnant. There aren’t degrees to these things. No one is ever 50% pregnant and you’re either reaching thermodynamic equilibrium or you’re not. Dead is a permanent state, there is no halfway. Everyone wants to die the same way: Massive heart attack wihile making fairly inept love to a Playboy model. No wait…. that’s just me. Well that’s a little personal. Nevermind. Point being that people murdered in any other manner are just as dead as the beheaded folks. Still, for some reason. a beheading gets the world’s attention. Sure the kid who died of malnutrition in Africa is just as dead and went through much more suffering than the beheading victim but that was just a lack of food and the head stayed on a pair of shoulders. So really that death isn’t very interesting.

Well that is what I think in any event. Summing up:dead is dead, no one life is inherently more important than another AND… well insert your own and. Personally there is every chance I’ll make earn a Darwin Award when I check out, being incredibly stupid and all.

cks/BL Tridiot rating: DOUBLE GAH

Links, Links, Links

Just a few today:
Kerry V Bush Yeah they both suck. Sort of amusing.

I didn’t really want to link this but this guy put it all on the line. That’s something I appreciate. A one person video that required testicles of titanium to post.
Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis

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