Cool Blogs
The website of Mac author Gene Steinberg, he posts almost daily on everything Macintosh (and technology) related. A good read.
Dan Gillmore’s eJournal
This is the web blog of Silicon Valley’s Dan Gillmore. He links to and writes about a wide variety of subjects, though the focus is mainly on the art of technology and publishing. A Mac user, he also posts questions and such about his various Mac computing habits.
Will Wheaton Dot Net
A very popular Blog from Wil Wheaton. Wil writes on a variety of subjects, and most are interesting in general. Once known only for his rolls in Stand By Me, and as Wesley Crusher of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wil is now known for his very popular blog.
Dave Barry
Hey, what can we say? It is Dave Barry! Check it out!
As The Apple Turns
Before there were blogs, there was As The Apple Turns. Written with a wry sense of humor, updated often, AtAT is one of those sites that once you visit, you will be back often.
Macworld: Mac 911 Tips & Troubleshooting
About the only thing really great about Macworld online are the ongoing postings by talented Christopher Breen. A good read, worth looking into every few days.
Surfin’ Safari
A well written blog about the Safari web browser, and browsing in general. Not often updated, it is worth looking into on occasion. Written by Dave Hyatt.
MacOSX Hints
A good blog on a variety of Mac OS X subjects, with headlines such as Rearrange rolls in the iPhoto library, Install GarageBand on an external drive, Resize window drawers from either side, and more. A good read, worth a daily visit.
A good collection of information and blogs from upcoming Mac writer Bill Palmer, well worth a look
Mac Net Journal
A lot of different information, but more blog than anything else. Nice site!
Daring Fireball
Found this thanks to Chris Seibold, it is a fun Mac focused blog page
Hey, this stuff looks familiar you may say, and you would be correct. Writer Jonathan Murnane actually wrote for a few times, and his great writing can be found on his own blog. Not for everyone, but I find it interesting and fun!
The Cheating Culture Weblog
Written by David Callahan, this weblog actually turned into a book. Or did the book inspire the weblog? Regardless, this is a fantastic blog in which David writes about the corruption and cheaters in the world today. Updated every few days, well worth your time and investment to read!
Macsimum Perspective
A new Web site devoted to Mac-related editorials and crititques–launched on Monday. Founded by Dennis Sellers, senior editor of MacMinute, the site will offer opinions, columns, reviews
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