SimplifyMedia has just released its iPhone and iPod touch version of its internet music sharing application, which can be downloaded for free by the first 100,000 users.
All you have to do is download the desktop version of the application to your computer, set up an account, and login to begin streaming your iTunes music over the internet. With this setup, you can now have access to your entire iTunes library on your iPhone or iPod touch (with Wi-Fi, of course).
I’ve used SimplifyMedia for over a year now and have always wondered when it would be available for the iPhone and touch. The user interface of the SimplifyMedia application is, yeah, simple and very easy to use.
You can share your library with up to 29 other friends. They must of course have the application installed on their computer or iPhone/iPod touch. You invite them to share by sending them your SimplifyMedia name. If you enjoy jazz and progressive rap music, and you’re frequent reader, you’re welcomed to have access to my collection. Just send me an invite using my first name, “bakari.”
It’s totally free, legal, and saveSimplifyMedia
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