Sophocles’ Antigone is a Greek tragedy that has captivated audiences for centuries. Written in 441 BC, it gives us insight into Sophocles’ mindset on society and culture. It tells the story of a young woman who defies the orders of her uncle, Creon, the king of Thebes, by burying her brother Polynices, who had been declared a traitor and ordered to be left unburied.
The play is a timeless exploration of the conflict between divine and human law, family loyalty, societal duty, and the state’s authority. Through Antigone’s actions and the conflict between her and Creon, Sophocles highlights the dangers of unchecked governance and the importance of individual moral conscience.
This essay about Antigone will analyze the play’s characters, themes, and major conflicts to provide a deeper understanding of its significance and continued relevance in modern times.
Characters in Antigone
The drama features a variety of complex parts. Each character has their motivations and conflicts that drive the plot forward:
Antigone: The main protagonist of the play, she is the oldest daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, a strong-willed and independent young woman who defies the orders of her uncle to bury her dead brother. Her deeds are driven by her love for her family and her dedication to religion, which she considers superior to the state’s laws.
Creon: The ruler and Antigone’s uncle is a stubborn, authoritarian ruler who places the laws above all else. He believes that Antigone’s acts threaten the stability of the state and must be punished. His abuse of authority and refusal to listen to the opinions of others ultimately leads to his downfall.
Ismene: Antigone’s sister, Ismene, is initially hesitant to join Antigone in her rebellion against Creon’s authority. She is more concerned with avoiding punishment and staying within the boundaries of the law.
Haemon: Creon’s son and Antigone’s fiancé, he attempts to convince his old man to show mercy. He represents the voice of reason and moderation, but his attempts to reason with him ultimately fail.
Tiresias: A blind prophet, Tiresias warns Creon that the gods are angry and that his deeds will lead to disaster.
Polynices: The subject of the play’s conflict. He is declared a traitor and ordered to remain unburied.
Eurydice: Creon’s wife, Eurydice, appears briefly, but her character plays a crucial role in the tragic ending. Broken by her son’s death, she commits suicide, calling curses down on her husband for having caused the misfortune.
Antigone plot summary
Episode I:
Antigone is introduced mourning the passing of her two brothers, Eteocles and Polynices. She tells Ismene that she plans to bury Polynices, even though Creon has forbidden it. He announced his decree that Polynices must not have a funeral, and anyone who disobeys will die. Ismene feels afraid to join her, but Antigone is determined to do it alone.
Episode II:
Antigone buries Polynices, but the guards see her. She admits her crime and is brought before Creon. He’s outraged by her disobedience and orders her to be locked up.
Episode III:
Haemon, Creon’s son and Antigone’s fiancé, pleads with his father to show mercy and release his fiancé. He argues that the people are sympathetic to her cause and that killing her will only lead to unrest and rebellion. Creon refuses and accuses him of being soft on lawbreakers.
Episode IV:
Tiresias, the blind prophet, warns Creon that the gods are angry and that he must change his ways. Creon initially refuses to listen to Tiresias but eventually realizes the gravity of the situation and decides to free Antigone.
Episode V:
It is too late. Antigone has hung herself in her cell, and Haemon has killed himself in grief. Eurydice also kills herself upon learning the terrible news. Creon has lost everything and ends up alone with his guilt and regret, realizing the dire consequences of his deeds.
Antigone Analysis
Sophocles’ play is primarily set in the royal palace. The palace serves as a symbol of authority. It is also where the main characters engage in their conflicts and confrontations.
Other important settings include the city, where the citizens are divided over the burial of Polynices and its site. The town and the area represent the public and private spheres of life.
The tale features several conflicts that drive the plot and reveal the play’s themes. The following part of the example essay on Antigone will examine these themes and conflicts. Furthermore, you can read various Antigone essays that discuss the play from different angles. There are plenty of other Antigone sample essays providing in-depth analysis and interpretation.

Antigone Themes
Pride and the abuse of power: This is a major theme and conflict in Antigone. The course of events highlights how pridefulness is both a source of strength and a dreadful flaw. Creon is portrayed as a proud and stubborn character who believes his word is an act. Antigone’s ego is also a driving force in the sequence of events. She is determined to defy Creon’s decree, even when she knows the consequences, ultimately leading to her end. But it also inspires others to stand up to Creon’s abuse of authority.
Gender Roles:The play also explores gender roles and the limitations placed on women and their struggles at that time. Antigone’s determination to do what she sees is right challenges traditional gender roles and expectations.
Fate and Tragedy: The play delves into the role of destiny in human life and the inevitability of doom. Despite their efforts to prevent that, the personas are unable to escape their future.
Antigone Conflicts
The conflict between Antigone and Creon: This conflict arises over Antigone’s decision to bury Polyneices, which is in defiance of Creon’s orders. She believes it is her moral duty, while he considers Polyneices a traitor and should not be buried.
God’s law versus human law: Antigone’s decision is based on her religious beliefs and loyalty to her blood, which she believes takes precedence over human laws. On the other hand, Creon believes that his law as king is absolute and must be obeyed, even if it goes against godly laws, creating a major moral conflict.
Individual conscience Versus obedience to authority: Antigone’s decision is also based on her conscience, which she believes is more important than blindly obeying the law. Creon, on the other hand, believes that obedience to authority is paramount justice, even if it means going against one’s own beliefs.
The conflict between Creon and his son: Haemon, engaged to Antigone, disagrees with his father’s decision to execute her. This conflict highlights the tension between familial loyalty and duty to the state.
The conflict between Creon and the prophet Tiresias: Tiresias warns Creon that his refusal to bury Polyneices and his punishment of Antigone will bring the wrath of the gods upon him. Creon initially dismisses Tiresias’ warnings, leading to further conflict and disaster.
Antigone by Sophocles is a classic that continues to resonate with audiences today. The play’s exploration of complex themes, compelling characters, and tragic consequences make it a powerful reminder of the dangers of abuse of power and the importance of individual conscience. It is a cautionary tale of the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs and morality.
The play also challenges us to consider what we would do in Antigone’s position and whether we would have the courage to stand up for our beliefs. Ultimately, the play suggests that the tension between the laws of gods and the laws of man cannot be resolved and that individuals must make their morals.