Lately, for no discernable reason, my confidence in making a decent post has been dropping to near zero levels. My output has suffered accordingly. I’ve got no explanation for the sudden loss of confidence but I’ll start a post (or a review) and get 95% done and think “Man this sucks” and hit the close button. Disturbing.
What makes all this more troubling is that I just wrote a short piece for a book. It’s no big deal but I sent it in and the editor said it was fine (well he said “great”). You would think that this would restore some confidence, but it doesn’t. I figure the guy is just doing me a favor, getting my name in long lasting print.
The really head scratching part of the whole deal is that mymac blogs seem to be getting more popular. No objective reason to say this, just guessing. And this trend is really bothersome. The more people I think are reading the more self conscious I feel. The more self concious I feel the less I post. Of course if the blog part of mymac is getting more popular (again, got no real knowledge that it is) then surely I’ve been part of the growth. I used to post every day. Or perhaps that’s wishful thinking, perhaps my posts have retarded the growth. It could be that I’m the lysol to the viral growth of mymac. In other words mymac is growing in spite of me.
What’s got me in this tizzy? What’s the impetus for my iffy grip on my last shred of confidence? Why this of course. Yep. people who suck at stuff seem to think they’re good at it. I’m only posting this cause I put the juice on. So this part is invisble and all.
Which is a long way to go for a joke, but it is pretty funny. The study basically says if you think you’re good at something it might just be a reaction to the fact that you’re REALLLLLY bad at it. So unless you think you’re bad at something you can’t be sure. Of course if you think you’re bad at something you probably are bad.
I suppose the aforementioned study explains Pauly Shore.
Well that was a long waste of your time. I apologise. I guess I’m this guy. Which is something you’ve alredy seen. If you’re not impressed by the lameness of that page you will be impressed in a way you’ve never been impressed before by this. Unless, of course, you’ve already seen it. Which you certainly have. Never mind.
On to linky goodness! The best game I’ve seen in quite some time. Well that’s pretty much a bald faced lie. The gameplay sucks, the challenge level is low but I really love the concept. I loved tunnel hunt as well (Apparently I’m the only person in America who really liked tunnel hunt). Just go with me here, try the game out and see if you don’t find it enjoyable.
Futurama quote: Pain Monster.
I know that audio can take some time to load even on broadband. I know I should put a warning in the subject line of the post. On the other hand I know that browsers have a back button.
Hmm, a Futurama quote might become a regular feature.
TV pick (haven’t done one of these in awhile): Patton On AMC in prime time. Excellent performance, excellent movie.
Tridiot rating: With the flood and all I was unable to use any of my home computers. Nope it was all done over the net with a heavily modified SOUNDIC 200 The score? Well everything started smelling like burnt resistors but the answer came: 129.999999%
There may have be limiting factors in the equation.
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