Without seeming as if we’re picking on anyone, let’s be honest for a minute. If you’re a bit short on your height, there’s a big chance many average people will belittle you from time to time. It happens at restaurants, gas stations, malls, and every other place where there’s a gathering. Well, it may or may not be the case during the ongoing COVID-19 anxiety phase, but one thing is for sure, if you were not blessed with height, it’s never doom’s day for you. Yes, in workplaces, social life, and several other areas of society, short people face a set of unique challenges and setbacks that may be new or even Greek to the average or taller person.
Without further ado, here are some practical solutions to the common short peoples’ problems we’ve encountered so far.
Legs Hanging When Seated
In a workplace scenario, short people often have this challenge. When seated at the desk in the office, they may find it difficult to get comfortable because depending on their actual height, their legs may not touch the ground. If you’re short and your body is also small, finding the comfort you need to accomplish tasks at the offices can be virtually impossible.
The best thing about office furniture (and any other furniture) these days is that it can always be customized. As a matter of fact, most units are made with the user’s needs in mind, especially chairs. If you’re a bit wanting when it comes to height, you can find out more from the folks at Chair Institute on office chairs recommended for shorter people. In addition to adjustable height chairs, you’ll find chairs that you’ll feel comfortable in without having to feel swallowed when you’re seated. These include reclining options of varying dimensions, weight, prices, seat depths, and widths.
Difficulty Reaching High Shelves
This is another common problem experienced by short guys and chicks. Reaching for stuff placed on the high shelves is always a problem and they’ll occasionally depend on their peers, partners, and friends for that. Well, the most practical solution for this is simple… keep the shelves low if it’s you or a loved one facing the challenge. Stools and ladders can also be an option, but make sure they will not present a safety issue.
Most Clothes Won’t Fit
Women who are not blessed with height are especially bitter about the situation because a shirt can easily fit like a dress (but it’s fashionable nowadays, lol). All the same, fitting clothes can be extremely difficult to find, especially for shorter men. Most trousers on the shelves are too long, and the shirts are just overly buggy. However, you can always talk to your tailor and have a shirt or pair of trousers custom-altered so it’s made to fit you. Moreover, many fashion items are available in different sizes so be keen on stores and brands that concentrate on small and medium sizes. All the same, it’s mostly about how a clothing item looks on you rather than how it fits.
Job Promotions Come Hard
Well, this might sound made-up, but it’s actually true. According to a 2004 study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, there’s a strong correlation between height in men and their career success. In other words, the study suggested that if you’re short, it’s harder for you to get a promotion at the workplace. The best thing about being short, however, is that in a way, you also stand out. If you make the extra effort, say by being more punctual and extra hardworking, your promotion may come sooner than the tall guy who’s been giving you a run for your money. However short you are, you have to stand tall and be bold. You can actually use your stature to your advantage in the workplace.
Dating Is Tougher

Men, this is for you! The shorter you are, the slimmer your chances of getting a date and finding love. Since time immemorial, women have always been more into taller guys. This is especially the case in the online dating world. To increase your chances of finding love when looking for it online, however, you can always leverage on your other strong qualities such as humor, hobbies, and things you like since different women have different definitions of their ideal man.
We’re all made differently, with different strengths and weaknesses. Being short doesn’t have to deny anyone certain opportunities or subject them to humiliation. With the few tips above, you can easily navigate ‘short people problems’ and come out on top, whether you’re the one facing them, an employee within your organization, or a loved one.