I don’t understand people who buy an iPhone and then jump through fifteen risky hoops just for the privilege of avoiding AT&T and using one of the other crappy cell phone carriers. If you have yet to have a problem with your current carrier, it’s because you’ve been statistically lucky. They all suck about equally. You don’t love AT&T? Neither do I. But all the carriers suck, they’re all borderline criminal in their business plans, so let’s not put sainthood on some other carrier just because they have the virtue of not being AT&T.
I’m gonna buy a boat, have some wheels installed on it, and drive it down Highway 101 every day. Screw the ocean, I wanna use my boat on land instead. If I want to buy a product intended for use in a certain manner, and then use it in a way that it clearly was not intended, that’s my right. And if my modification of that product doesn’t go well, or if the result of using the product improperly isn’t as clean as if I’d simply used it in the way it was intended, then that’s someone’s fault other than mine. Right?
Hey, it makes about as much sense as buying an iPhone and then hacking it for use with some other U.S.-based carrier.
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