Come Geek with Me!

The Dust from this year’s Macworld is beginning to settle. The big announcement, regarding an Apple iPhone, was made, just as everyone predicted. Whether Apple will get to call this product the œiPhone is another matter, but still it was most excellent that the product did indeed live up to everyone’s expectations and then some. The iPhone is expected to be available in June. I suspect that come August, the business sections of most major market newspapers will be announcing that œApple has once again slammed one out of the park. I don’t know if I will get one or not. Oh, don’t get the wrong idea. I want one, badly in fact. But, my logic protocol is kicking in. The device is going to be expensive, that much is certain. What’s not so apparent, is what the iPhone will cost to use. All those services will nickel-and-dime you death. I have a cell phone, through Cingular. (Soon to be renamed AT&T?) My phone works everywhere I go, and I am satisfied with the quality of the service. But using it to do something simple, such as look up the local weather, results in a charge of a few cents. I forget what sending a text message costs, as I’ve only used that feature once. I figure œtexting is for the kids, so let them have it. Using the iPhone to check your favorite stocks, sports scores, do some browsing, reply to some emails, and all the rest is going to run the bill up to how much, exactly? Ten dollars per day maybe? Twenty dollars? Perhaps more? Well, that may not mean much to the demographic for whom the product is targeted, but it’s a hole in my budget. So, I’m a little dubious as to whether or not I’ll be getting an iPhone. Amen.

Time to write about something fun.

Last night, I attained what can only be described as a plateau of Geekiness. It was almost 8 PM eastern, and I was getting ready to settle in for the much-anticipated season premier of œ24. But first, I had to attend to another order of business: I visited the iTunes music store, and purchased an episode of œStar Trek, the original series. Ahh, Star Trek! And now, they are enhancing the episodes with CGI generated space ships and digital re-mastering. I know, I know, some purists are crying foul. Well, go ahead and cry foul. I like it just fine, and I think it’s a good idea. Paramount is just making things look nicer, they’re not pulling a George Lucas, and inserting other characters where there used to be none, or replacing anyone. (But if they want to replace that cardboard cutout of a Tholian in œThe Tholian Web with a CGI generated Tholian, they have my blessing to do so. )

The episode I purchased was œSpace Seed, one of the best known by all fans. Even though I have a broadband connection, it still took a bit to download, about fifteen minutes. So, while Space Seed was downloading, I was watching the adventures of Jack Bauer on œ24. So, is this Geek city, or what? Watching œ24 while downloading an episode of classic Star Trek. Ahh, along comes the first commercial break. Time to check on the download. It’s done, so it’s time to transfer it to the iPod. Settle back in, and watch some more of Jack, and wonder how he’s ever going to œget out of this one. Another break, and the transfer is done. Geek heaven, yes?

œ24 ended with one of its famous cliff-hangers, leaving viewers with a feeling of œwant more! (We’ll get that tonight, with the second part of the season premier). Meanwhile, it was time to watch œSpace Seed on the iPod. Hoo-Yeah! I must point out that I was very skeptical at first, of the idea of watching an episode of a TV show or a feature length movie on an iPod. But, those doubts have been vanquished. I can’t see buying the entire series and watching it this way, but I see nothing wrong at all with having a few of your most favorite episodes on your iPod, ready to view anytime, at your own convenience. Heck, I might add an Outer Limits episode or two, (or three!) even though I own the complete series on DVD.

If anyone had a geekier evening than I did, let that person come forth!

Bruce B.

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