Cloud Computing Bible – Book Review

Cloud Computing Bible

by Barrie Sosinsky
$44.99 US, $53.99 CAN (under $30 on Amazon US)
496 pages

As technology advances, new buzzwords appear in the lexicon. Lately, we’ve been hearing more and more about “cloud computing.” If you use Google Docs, Evernote, Dropbox, or web-based email, you’re using cloud computing. According to, cloud computing is, “Computing in which services and storage are provided over the Internet (or ‘cloud’).” Pretty simple, right? Maybe for us, as the user, but there are a lot of details that need to be worked out to create a cloud service.

This is where Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky comes in. If you’re looking for a book that explains how to use some of the cloud services mentioned above, stop here. This is not a how-to book on specific applications or services. If, however, you’re looking to create a cloud-based service, whether for public consumption or your own private company, then continue reading.

Cloud Computing Bible is divided into five parts: Examining the Value Proposition, Using Platforms, Exploring Cloud Infrastructures, Understanding Services and Applications, and Using the Mobile Cloud. Sosinsky goes into great detail explaining what cloud computing is and why it may or may not benefit a particular business. He discusses the architecture of building a cloud, how to address security, storage issues, and managing the cloud. In addition to these, and other topics, Cloud Computing Bible contains loads of diagrams, tables, screenshots, and web links to further explain points or to look up more information.

The only real issue I have with this book is the reading level listed on the back cover. I consider myself relatively technology savvy with reasonable intelligence, and much of the book was far beyond me. Classifying the reading level as Beginning to Advanced is a bit of a stretch. Someone with experience in programming or information technology (IT) would better appreciate everything Cloud Computing Bible has to offer. Intermediate to Advanced is more appropriate.

If you, or someone you know, is thinking of working with cloud computing, the Cloud Computing Bible would be a good starting point. rating: 8 out of 10

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