My Dad pulled off the greatest, most harmless joke ever. Got a Nephew who is eleven, a great age. So Dad is passing out presents and hands one to Matt (we’ll call him Matt ’cause that’s his real name). It’s the size of a shirtbox, wrapped like you might wrap a shirtbox. Matt trying to be polite and witty says “oh boy, clothes” Matt is down with the fact that you need clothes, and that the thought counts. But, as mentioned earlier, Matt is eleven and eleven year old boys want clothes like Martha Stewart wants a cell mate.
The nice part came when he opened the box, instead of a sweater or socks out came dough, long green, scratch, good ole us currency. I’m not sure how Dad got it to flutter around the room but it was a nice touch.
For Tim
LOTR is not the worst movie ever, heck it’s better than The Last Samurai, but I honestly don’t think it deserves the unrestrained praise it’s been getting. It’s no Momento
Word to LOTR fans: Hey, I’ve got opinions, I don’t like peas. And yeah you can argue all day about how great peas are, you can say “you’ll like these peas” but I won’t, cause I hate peas. LOTR is the same deal, I’m not trying to anger any LOTR fans, out of all the things people dress up and act like idiots for LOTR is my fave (beats a wedding by a solid margin), But good God almighty, it’s a freakin movie, not a philosophy. So stop mailing me. If you base your world veiw off of science fiction (star trek), video games or movies you’re pretty much, nah, completely an idiot. There’s an actual world out there with unexplored places and plenty of adventure to go around. Try Walking the Appalachian trail to get that Frodo feelin’
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