Chris Rambles, people unenthused

Before you go any further go watch this
Compy 386

I hate going to the dentist, now I know why. Take Chris Nulls advice and don’t read: – News – Dentist Allegedly Injected Semen Into Patients’ Mouths

I haven’t heard anything positive or negative about my latest meager contribution to the book. I assume that means that it really, really sucked. I’m okay with that, if you’re writing sometimes you’ve got accept the fact that what you have written is pretty bad. If you’re a daily reader (Hi Tim) you know that cranking out pure shinola never stopped me, thus the tridiot rating.

I am actually pretty happy about being in the book, pays money and it will look nice on a resume. See when the kid heads off to school I’m going to want to work (heck I want to work now) but I’ll need a fairly flexible schedule, writing will hopefully fit the bill. I figure I have proven crappy output. My thinking is as follows: I post a lot of @hit, I do it on a near daily basis, therefore I could produce a lot of crap for an employer. As long as they measure performance in terms of quantity instead of quality I should be able to score gainful employment.

Sweet geeze-us that’s overly personal tripe. I apologize if you read that.

Let me apologize in advance for the following. I’m sorry reader.

I don’t know if Lance Armstrong juices. For all I know he’s just that much better than everyone else on a bike. I also know that every test Lance takes comes back clean. Here’s the rub: I am sure other riders juice, they’ve been caught and Lance beats those guys with ease. Add to that the fact you can beat the tests. No really. Take testosterone for example. Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone. Guys have more than girls in general, and its the hormone responsible for all kinds of male behavior and it enhances performance. So when you’re testing riders you have to set a testosterone limit, cause all the riders have at least a bit of it, even the ones into home decorating. Now a smart rider would raise his level of testosterone to right at the max allowable level. Would this be cheating? Yep, you’re supposed to pedal with your natural amount of hormone…

To me it doesn’t really matter, I’m all for performance enhancing drugs. Open use could add new levels of analysis to competition. Instead of discussing the Nebraska football team’s offense the analysts could discuss their steroid strategy. It would be awesome. We’d get the full report about how the linemen went from oral steroids to injectables and the pros and cons of the switch.

I’ve said too much.

Time for…….

Wait for it

Wait for it

Bailey’s bin of bargain basement links

First off, Bailey endorsed links:
Jar Jar and Yoda go into old school humor It’s a wmv file. Man I hate wmv files.

Clerks Cartoon

Excellent pic sent in by Bailey

You can always tell when Todd is a bit bored at work, links start pouring in. So here’s some timewasters by Todd.

Virtual Rock Paper Scissors There’s a strategy.

Mr. Picasso Head Tood is a fantastic artist but he also knows quite a bit about art. Well he isn’t sure what he likes but he knows what art is.

Todd’s favorite writer All I can say is “Mittens”

Other links submitted by the wishing to remain anonymous masses:
A marvel flick with The Hulk, Spidey, Captain American, Elektra, Jean Grey, Green Goblin, Dr. Doom and others Gotta be the greatest movie ever, right? Nope.

Too, too funny:
So you’d like to date Brooke Hogan

The Geek wants out Hilarious, from Earnest Cline.

cks/BL tridiot rating: I dunno, couldn’t find any obscure computers to run the thing on so I just winged it: 115% SOLID!

Todd Long Countdown: four days! Four days and I’m not even sure what the schedule is? Rehersal dinner? Unsure. Pick up Tux time? got no clue. Kick Todd in testicles until he passes out? pretty sure that is thursday. Hey, it’s a custom from way back from where I come. We called it “The Revenge of Testicles “( Pronounced TEST-i-CLEEZE greek god of something cool). Pick a best man from Tennesemen and you pretty much have to go with the customs.


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