Checking in with Vista

So out of curiosity (okay, it was boredom) I decided to check out Microsoft’s Windows Vista page to learn a little more about the upcoming next generation operating system. Here are a few of the things that jumped out at me.

First, they have a new ‘Document Explorer’ window that looks much like the windows in Mac OS X, albeit more cluttered and ugly. They are showcasing ‘Folder Navigation: Virtual Folders and traditional folders.’ What the hell is a virtual folder? Can I put my virtual documents in it? Actually, isn’t every folder on every computer a virtual folder? Am I missing something here?

Windows Flip 3D is actually a pretty damn cool way to navigate open windows, documents, and the like on your computer. Apple should steal this. Or at least a third-party developer. What? Microsoft stole a ton from Mac OS X already, turnabout is fair play! Don’t be a Mac snob!

So far so good. I may be willing to put a copy of Vista on my Mac, providing Apple actually creates a dual-boot Mac. It may be fun to play with. Of course, by the time Vista is released, we will all probably be using Mac OS X 10.5 ‘Leopard’ that, according to Steve Jobs WWDC ’05 announcement, will be released at the end of this year.

What do you think? Vista looking cool? All hype? Too much overhead? Leaping past OS X or just starting to catch up? And finally, what new features do you think Mac OS X 10.5 will bring to the table? Post comments below. (Must be a registered user, thanks to evil spam-bots. Sorry.)

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