Celesta “Titanium Silver” Keyboard
Price: $120
I have read and heard about premium keyboards, but never used one until recently. Celesta by Aevoe/Moshi is a class act, expensive and worth every penny, especially on a per-keystroke basis. Construction is high-tech rugged, and design and styling are high-tech gorgeous. If you are unhappy in any way with your current keyboard, set your dollars, euros, or yen aside until you can come up with the $120 US to purchase Celesta in black-on-black or white-on-silver. Black is currently sold out at the Aevoe Universe store, but I can personally recommend the white model. It’s easy on the eyes and on your fingers.
Kris Thornton from Aevoe/Moshi explain Celesta’s technology to MyMac.com:
The keys are scissor cut keys, Nemo, the same technology as notebook keys like the IBM notebook. They are much more expensive than the fat cheap keys used on normal big keyboards and even more expensive than most notebook keys that use a bubble rather than a mechanical system (bubble keys don’t give you the nice click when you press down on them to let you know the keystroke registered).
The ergonomics are designed to keep your wrist aligned with the keyboard, so it doesn’t have to bend at strange angles which cause carpel tunnel syndrome among other things.
The metal covering the surface is brushed plate aluminum and is a rather thick piece which is nice. It is not a cheap electroplated surface or a super thin metal cover, so you don’t have to worry about it flaking off or bending.
The lights for the scroll lock, number lock, and cap lock project horizontally through the clear plastic which lights the lettering giving it
a nice effect.
See our web site for all details.
Thanks, Kris. We’ll put your claims to the test.

What do you get for $120? A beautiful, heavyweight covered box for Celesta’s storage and transportation; a sexy slipcase to keep your keyboard clean within the aforementioned box; diagrams and text explaining how best to position and use Celesta; an elegant leatherette keyboard cover; and a terrific input device.
Typing is different. You’ll need to switch immediately to Celesta from your Apple or other keyboard, without any back and forth transition period. During the first week or two, you’ll wonder what all the fuss is about, and if you should have bought a new iPod Shuffle and some decent headphones instead. Once you’re accustomed to Celesta, you’ll never be happy typing on a conventional keyboard again, and wonder why Apple’s included keyboards are so out of touch with snappy style and enlightened engineering.
Whoops! Where’s the EJECT key? It’s above the four ARROW keys, center-right, below the PAGE DOWN key. I placed a small, removable red dot on my EJECT key to help me locate it quickly. Because there are no VOLUME UP DOWN MUTE keys upper right above the number pad, VOLUME UP and DOWN are just to the left of the relocated EJECT key, and MUTE is between ALT/OPTION and CONTROL, lower center, in a very convenient spot once you remember where it is. You’ll need a full month to find these relocated keys without a pause in your typing or workflow.
Typing is almost fun on Celesta. The “click” Kris mentions above is more than a sound. It’s the result of physical typing force, so if you type gently the click is minimal and if you pound it will wake your roommate or spouse across the house. I have only praise for Celesta as a typing instrument. Finger fatigue is minimal, as is writing stress, when you follow the company’s instructions for correct positioning. If you’re not currently using a below-desk keyboard drawer, get one today. No more !! typing with your wrists elevated to the level of your desk surface where your computer resides.
Apple provides a decent keyboard with all iMacs and towers, so nobody “needs” a premium Celesta keyboard. People who value style, design, quality, proficiency, and wow-factor presentation will recognize the value of Celesta by Aevoe/Moshi. It has no disadvantages except for the arbitrary relocation of a couple of keys, and many advantages. MyMac.com awards this product a strong 4 out of 5 recommendation.
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