F1 2017 for Mac COMPNAY: Feral Interactive Price: $59.99 F1 2017 by Feral Interactive is the Formula 1 Racing Game Mac version of the
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F1 2017 for Mac COMPNAY: Feral Interactive Price: $59.99 F1 2017 by Feral Interactive is the Formula 1 Racing Game Mac version of the
Read MoreF1 2016 for Mac by Feral Interactive F1 2016 for Mac Feral Interactive Price: $59.99 on Steam, $44.95 on Mac App Store F1 2016
Read MoreGaming headset – Ghost Recon Wildlands Edition Model: Y-300CPX Manufacturer: Thrustmaster Retail: $59.99 (Internet: $49.99) Here’s a headset specifically for gamers. It is
Read MoreEver since my daughter was little, she and I have played games together. iOS games, mainly, and to a lesser degree games on the
Read MoreThe Audience ClairAudient “The ONE” speakers are a refreshing rebuke of my overly simple rules for speaker acquisition. Priced at $995, these definitely go against one of my reasons for buying vintage—thriftiness—but these are definitely worth every dollar.
Read MoreIt must have been six to eight months already, because it’s once again time for me to review a LEGO game on the Mac from Feral Interactive. Feral has been one of the best Mac developers for many years now, and they are really good at porting games from other platforms over to the Mac so we, too, can get our game on!
Read MoreIt was hard to ignore The LEGO Movie in 2014. The film, as of this writing, has grossed over $257 million dollars in the U.S., and over $211 million dollars in foreign markets. The song Everything Is Awesome almost became the theme song for 2014, much like the music from Frozen was the year before. And as soon as the first trailers for the movie were released, I knew it was only a matter of time before there would be a video game based on the movie.
Read MoreAs the resident LEGO Video Game Reviewer here at MyMac.com, it’s my job to review all the new LEGO video games that come out on the Mac. The best part? They are some of my favorite games. The problem? I usually already own the game on the PlayStation months before it is released on the Mac. But thats okay, I will suffer through playing again for the sake of our readers.
Read MoreA Musician Reviews Two Gaming Headphones from SteelSeries
Read MoreThe future, what do you mean? How can we be in the future?
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I’ve been thinking about the upcoming iPhone store, the openness of the iPhone software development, and the level playing field those two things bring. Combine that with the three video games that Apple showcased during the iPhone SDK event, and I feel that the iPhone and Apple, Inc. will have a significant impact on gaming.
I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s when the arcade was the place to go to play the latest and greatest arcade games. We had PacMan, Frogger, Ms. PacMan, etc. If you’re like me, you still like those games better some of the 100 button games you can play on today’s consoles. Well, you don’t need an arcade or a console to play some of these classics. You only need your Mac and the Internet.
Master of Orion 3
Read MoreLike Quake and SimCity, Diablo is a game that has evolved over many years to become an unquestionable classic. The first version for the
Read MoreReview – Dungeon Siege
Read MoreWith no fewer than three OS X versions available, id Software’s best-selling game Quake may be old by computer game standards (the original PC
Read MoreNow this is cool! For any of you older than thirty years of age, you will remember the Atari 2600.
Read MoreReview – Heroes of Might and Magic IV
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