Toddy Smart Cloth

Apple’s iOS products look sleek and just beg to be handled. Of course we as Apple fans do this, and as anyone who’s ever been to an Apple Store can attest, these products get dirty faster than Steve Balmer breaks into a sweat. As a biology teacher, I always cringe when I pick up an oily, fingerprint-laden handheld product because I know what sorts of microbes live on these devices for up to a month. Todd Gabel thought similarly when he came up with the Toddy Cloth, an antimicrobial screen cleaning cloth for any handheld device or laptop screen.

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The HandStand iPad Case – Review

A first glance at the HandStand (I was sent the model designed for use with the original iPad), might make you think it looks pretty similar to the many other iPad cases. It’s not, though. For one thing, the HandStand is made of a tough, yet flexible polyurethane that can withstand a lot of abrasion and use. The literature supplied with the HandStand reminds us that this is the same material that skateboard wheels are made from.

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Whither Thou Tablet?

It’s no secret that I like Apple products. The only computers in our house are Macs, my wife and I both have iPhones, and I was in line to buy an iPad 2 the day it was released.

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Wacom Intuos3 Tablet

Recently I reviewed, and loved, the Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet. For those that want a more professional tablet, the Intuos3 is the model you want. I’ve been using the Graphire line of tablets for years and never new what I was missing until I tried the Intuos tablet.

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