Someone told me it

Banks. What on earth is going on with banks? You remember banks, don’t you? They’re the places where they keep the money. Or at least, they used to be.

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a la recherche du temps perdu

Me and the rest of the old fogies here at the home were surely glad in this year of the lord 2017 that we had befriended those lost young millionaires back at the first of the century.

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I Married a Mac Man

In my younger, less enlightened years, I was one of those people who would shun the pocket protector, pimply type young man as one not worthy of my free-spirited, braless and pantiless existence.

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If you are reading the various things on this website, odds are you’re a Macintosh user. And if you are a Mac user, odds are you have a certain “dislike” of Microsoft and a certain William Gates the third.

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