Part 4 of 8: From Slavery to Utopia

Adam Smith described a system where some work little and receive a lot, while others work a lot and receive little. It did not take into account the plight of the slaves, accept perhaps as property, and is a model based on an agrarian society.

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Part 3 of 8: From Slavery to Utopia

Legal evolution is slow because the worker-slaves are too busy working to focus or fight to change the system. Their position as worker-slaves highlights their inability to challenge the system.

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Bruce Black Goes to An Apple Store Grand Opening!

I received the announcement a week ahead of time, along with some other spam I regularly receive. Let me say that it’s a damn good thing I check that junk mail box, just in case. The letter was colorful, and straight to the point, as mail from Apple tends to be.

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Part 2 of 8: From Slavery to Utopia

The Lord’s Prayer above states: Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. God obviously has control of both Heaven and Earth, so what do the words “Thy will be done on Earth” describe?

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He Said, She Said, They Said

ere in the Northeast, we have a chain of drug stores called “CVS”. (I think it stands for “Consumer Value Stores’.) It’s one of these stores where they have a prescription drug counter, but they sell darn near everything else besides. These types of stores proliferated, starting in the 1960’s, as a way to circumvent Massachusetts’ rather archaic blue laws.

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There is a School

There is a school, which spans every state in the United States of America. The school has been around for a long, long time. It brings in millions of dollars, and is rumored to have over a billion or more in the bank….

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An interpretation of the unknown

I have a theory of the physical universe that makes perfect sense to me, but I suspect is incorrect. With a little luck, maybe a physicist will read this someday and explain the pieces that I left out. Here goes…

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Of Life, Death, and Living…and the Dixie Chicks

If you had to make a choice between killing to protect what you believe is right or dying to protect what you believe is right, which would you choose? What would you rather do: kill or be killed? Forget about instinct, cause and effect, friends and family.

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Apple Music: Singing out of tune

If you have spent any time at all with the new Apple Music service, chances are you are disappointed. I am, my iBook-toting daughter is, and chances are if it ever gets to the PC world, the other 97% of computer users will be too.

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