
Call is a yearly tradition, but this is the week I post something on Rodney Lain. Rather the write something new, simply follow this link to see last years post, and feel free to contribute to the discussion below that article.

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Apple and Intel, What Does It Really Mean?

The fact that Apple is moving to Intel chips has certainly raised a lot of questions and noise. It is an interesting change for Apple to be sure. And who would have guessed that as Apple moves to Intel Inside, Microsoft is moving to PowerPC? The new Xbox will be PPC, and if I read Microsoft’s rumblings correctly, so may some PCs be soon too.

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Mac on Intel – The last transition… for a while

There’s of course a mix of shock, fear, anger, excitement, people pretending to be cool and blasé towards the whole thing, and the zombies walking around thinking, "my reality has just been distorted". Some very smart people are sitting in corners, rocking back and forth, saying to themselves, "how could Apple do this? Why? Why? Why? Well, here’s my two cents on why I would have done it if I was Apple or my name was Steve Jobs.

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Dashboard is a metaphor for what’s right and wrong at Apple

First, let me say Dashboard is cool, it’s sexy, it’s got neat transitions, and it is the number one selling feature of Tiger. Second, let me say Dashboard is crappy User Interface design, especially compared to what it could have been. The old Apple (before NeXT) would have been embarrassed to ever release anything this narrow in scope, and totally missing the bigger point.

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After the Mac Mini, is there still a market for used Macs?

In a recent Podcast, editor Tim Robertson mentioned the fact that the introduction of the Mac Mini might well have made my recent Scroll Down Book “Buying Used Macs” somewhat obsolete. The argument boils down to this: with the Mac Mini offering Internet connectivity, enough horsepower to run most home and office software, and support for all the modern USB and FireWire peripherals, is there really any need to buy a used Mac at all?

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Beware the Tiger

If you can wait, I would suggest waiting a few weeks, or at least days, after Tiger is released before installing it on your Mac. If you can’t wait, please back up your data.

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Seven things I hate about you – an open letter to the computing industry

There are some things about the industry that just drive me nuts. I’m not going to whine about how come there little rubber feet from my iBook came off so easily, or complain that Bill Gates just doesn’t play nicely. No, what bothers me are things that could be fixed relatively easily, or exist purely for the benefit of the manufacturers and retailers, or don’t seem to have any obvious advantages to anyone.

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Making a Case for WiebeTech was quick to recognize the innovative potential of WiebeTech’s entry into the portable storage product marketplace. CEO James Wiebe continues to expand his catalog with monthly releases that range from heavy iron aimed at IT and server clients, through specialized forensic units, to home or office drives and docks of all current capacities.

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