FM Transmitters available in Europe, but…

I had been contemplating the merits of buying a FM Transmitter for my iPod in the US and bringing it over to Germany in the past. I then remembered how much trouble my parents got into, when my Mom bought my brother and me a set of walky-talkies in Spain…

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Apple just killed Virtual PC

In a bold move, Apple released Boot Camp, an application that will allow you to install and run Windows XP SP2 on your Intel Mac, providing you are running Mac OS 10.4.6.

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Sailing Home

His five-year mission is over, and he has a story to tell you. The return of John Martellaro.

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Unicorns, Horses and John Dvorak

About every few years, John C. Dvorak seems to have some acid flashback from his youth, and writes some article about the future that demonstrates not being in touch with the present or reality. The latest demonstration was that Apple would give up Mac OS X and go to Windows. Huh? What are you talking about John? When you hear hooves do you think “horses” or “a herd of purple unicorns”. John opted for the latter. Read more…

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Travel Monster 1

Guy’s the type that enjoys a certain amount of tech to travel with. He’s not alone in this regard and the purpose of this article and hopefully more to follow is to help you decide what tech you might want to have handy when traveling. This time out, he discusses options for carrying all your stuff.

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What’s faster and better, the PowerPC or Pentium
Demystifying the hype.

Apple has been telling people for years that PowerPC is better than Intel processors, but then why are they moving to Intel Processors? Apple also showed people benchmarks that proved how much better the PowerPC was, or how the G5’s beat the PC’s, and now they’re telling us the exact opposite, and that Intel Macs are multiple times faster. They can’t both be true, can they? Well, yes. It isn’t just a marketing flim-flam, it really matters how you look at the problem, and this article will explain it all to you. (PDF Download Only)

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The Sound of Snow…

The Happiest people on The planet earth today have got to be the Boston Area TV weathermen. (“weatherpersons” in newspeak) Today, the area is

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TaxCut Abandons Macintosh

For the past few years, H&R Block people have pushed to get coverage for TaxCut, their excellent tax software for both PC and Mac. This year, they simply dropped the Mac without notice or warning.

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