Why wireless?

My brother sold his Apple stock because he heard that Microsoft was coming out with a wireless iPod competitor, and figured that would take away sales. Heck, who wouldn’t? A new wireless iPods just sounds cool, until you really think about it. Sure it is easy to market as sexy, and it’ll sell, but will people use it and like it long term?

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WWDC Software Wrap-up

It is interesting to note that Leopard slipped a little bit; originally Apple was targeting end of 2006, now along with Vista, they’re targeting Spring ’07. I’ll be interested to hear the state of Leopard from the developers; is it Beta quality or only Alpha/development, and so on. If it isn’t mature, that signals that Apple is doing lots of foundation things that take a lot of time (and impact a lot of stuff). If it is mature, and I suspect it is, it signals something else. Apple probably wants to make sure they’re AFTER Microsoft in release in order steal thunder.

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iTunes is good but it could be a lot better!

I currently subscribe to 99 podcasts, and now that I have a ton of content to listen to I need a better way to manage all of the data. I employ several Smart Lists to assist me with separating categories and iPod syncing, but I wish it were easier to manage them.

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WWDC is Coming

There’s a lot of products rumored for WWDC. I’m NOT a rumor guy, if Apple told me anything, I wouldn’t write about it. But I am a business and strategy guy, that thinks about what I’d do if I was Steve/Apple. And I’ve got a history with Apple and going to WWDC, so I can at least mention what might happen, based on what has happened before (and why).

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MyMac.com Podcast 93
Cool Mac Picks – MacHome – preWWDC

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With only days left, the Podcast crew talk up what they hope Steve Jobs reveals during his big WWDC keynote. What is going on with MacHome Magazine? Are they done publishing? Will they answer the telephone or return emails? What about the subscribers? Tim Robertson investigates. Also, MyMac.com welcomes Sam’s Cool Mac Picks from none other than Sam Levin! Check out the show notes for a Movie and more from Sam.

Leave audio feedback by calling 801-938-5559

This podcast is sponsored by SmallDog.com, RamJet.com, and Inno-Tech.com.

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Full Show Notes HERE, with video and Cool Mac Picks Widget

Links from the show
Sam’s Cool Mac Picks
MacHome Magazine

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The Software of the MyMac Writers

Tim Robertson and I thought it would be fun and maybe even a little informative to build a table of the favorite software each MyMac writer uses. I sent out a query, and the tables below show the results for the authors who were available to respond.

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Tech Pirates in Saudi Arabia

An eye-opening article from our writer in Saudi Arabia, Mazen Al-Angary. How deep does software piracy run in the Middle East? You may be surprised. And it is not just Windows and Mac software; we are talking about movies and video games as well. A must read for everyone who follows technology.

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Can the Argo Kill the iPod?

Microsoft is the only possible company that has the clout to compete in Apple’s MP3 playground. So how will MS kill the iPod? To date the list of rumored functions include wireless connectivity as well as a free migration path that allows users to obtain the music they’ve already purchased from Apple.

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What to do with your old iMac

Do you have an unused iMac G3 sitting around? Before you relegate that old iMac to the garbage heap, or turn it into a planter or an (mac)aquarium, here are some other ideas to put it to good use.

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Video Editing – In Your Mind

WARNING: The following article could be caused by internet connection deprival, that the author was forced to experienced lately, or it could be caused by the fact that the author has to check 9 email accounts daily. The author does not claim he can see the future, and that he is merely guessing

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Digital Religion

With all this high-tech lifestyle surrounding us, we tend to spend more time in front of computer screens then we spend praying. It could reach a point where it would be easier to convince anyone to convert to a new religion rather then switch to a new operating system.

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