A friend (John Welch) and I were talking about pen centric computing, and we were in fierce agreement that it is not the revolution that some people pretend. Coincidentally, or because of the renewed interest, I saw an excellent speech on the state of the art in pen computing; what Microsoft and other researchers around the country are doing with the technology and where they expect it to go.
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All Guy wants for ChristHannaKwanzmas 2006 (A Holiday Rant!)
What? What’s that I see? I turn the page on the calendar from turkey overload to shopping chaos and I see it’s time for my annual (well, it IS my third) ChristHannaKwanzmas Holiday rant. I’m coming up on my anniversary for my third full year with MyMac.com and the writing fever has yet to leave me. I can’t speak for your reading fever naturally, but I hope you all enjoy these riotous wrangling of writing as much as I do making them. If not…well…NO SOUP FOR YOU!
Read MoreFrom iPhoto to Aperture
I’ve been an avid fan of iPhoto since it was first introduced about five years ago. Of course the revolution in digital photography inspired me to take videography and photography to a professional level, but having an effective way to organize and edit my photos was equally inspiring.
Read MoreNemo Memo
10 Questions for I.R.I.S. USA
Jean-Marc Fontaine, Director of Sales and Operations in the U.S., I.R.I.S. Inc, answers ten questions about OCR and I.R.I.S.
Read MoreThe Keys to His Pappy’s Cadillac
That’s what Tim just gave me, all right. I wonder how long I’ll get to keep ’em? Yessir, I’m happy as a a pig
Read MoreCars too Safe…
Weekend content baby, now that’s class. Today I’m going to go off topic and post personal ramblings, consider yourself warned. I’m thinking that driving
Read MoreNemo Memo
Ten Tech Travel Tips, v2006.11
Sit back, enjoy the flight, and send me an email to let me know you and your equipment + data arrived safely.
Unboxing the new iPod Shuffle
Ah, there is nothing like new Apple gear, eh? And what could be better than one of the smallest Apple hardware products of all time, the all new, second generation iPod Shuffle!
Dan Rodriguez, good friend of MyMac.com, emailed us his unpacking pictures of the new little iPod. Thanks, Dan! Check out the packaging, and see just how small the iPod Shuffle really is!
Read MoreApple should (snicker) license to Dell?
A report by Gartner has been floating around the web calling for Apple to leave the hardware business and let someone else, like say…Dell, make their Macs for them. While this is a preposterous proposal, parts of is not so ridiculous.
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You Want REALLY Good Customer Service and Support? Call THESE Numbers!
First-rate technical service and support are available, if you are lucky. I hope the corporate strategy of employing qualified, articulate, trained overseas and domestic agents continues, because the alternative – web-only FAQs and Help guides – is worse, especially when you can’t go online to access them.
Nemo Memo
Nemo’s Indispensable Apps
Owen’s great article on essential shareware and freeware got me thinking about my must have software.
Read MoreMy Mac Wife
Must Have Shareware or Freeware for Your Mac
I had to reformat my PowerBook recently, and that meant putting back all the software I normally use. What follows is my list of what I believe are some of the “must have gadgets” for the Mac. This list is only for gadgets and fun, smaller applications only.
Read MoreAn iBook Odyssey
Guy does the unthinkable. He replaces his iBook hard drive without losing his soul. A couple layers of skin maybe and some time in purgatory for extremely foul language, but the soul is intact!
Switcher’s Dilemma: Photography on the Run
I love my new MacBook. It’s fast, it’s easy to use, it’s feature-packed, it’s now loaded with Photoshop Elements 4, it’s white, ands it’s cute. If I was single I’d be a babe magnet with my new MacBook. But I’m just an old fart with a great new toy.
Read MoreWorking On The Mac In The Late 1980s
What is iTV?
A lot of people are very excited about it. I must admit, the features sound quite convenient. But there are a lot of things it could/could-not be.
Read MoreNew Apple Gear: The Good…the Bad…and the Ugly
WOO-HOO! A Stevenote to remember as Guy crashes and burns with new Apple announcements. Hilarity ensues.
New Apple Products 9-12-06
MacBaby’s Tales from the Crib 2
Software, where hast thou gone?
Now I’ve got my new MacBook and I’m chomping at the bit to get some Photoshop onto it. I decided, after a bit of reflection, that I need professional Photoshop CS2 like I need a Bentley.
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