DiskMaker X 5 – Review

I find myself lamenting the passing of the Mac OS install disk. It provided me with peace of mind knowing that I could boot from that disk if something went horribly wrong on my internal drive. I researched how to make a bootable USB thumb drive to replace the optical disks of yesteryear. Finding the instructions was easy enough, but upon reading through the procedure, I found that the amount of dealing the the built in UNIX terminal exceeded my comfort level. A little more digging turned up DiskMaker X.

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ScreenFlow 5 – Review

Recently I was given the opportunity to review ScreenFlow 5 for MyMac.com, so I jumped at the chance. I had bought a previous version of ScreenFlow in a bundle, then did nothing with it. Now I would have to take some time and learn how to use the application. I’m so glad I did.

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Tonality, Black & White Photo Editor – Review

There is a long history of monochromatic images created by humans. Chauvet Cave in France is credited with having some of the earliest, dating back 30,000 years or more. Tonality by Macphun works to bring this long standing artistic practice forward into the current century. The easy to discover and use tools available in Tonality will assist photographers and graphic artists of all skill levels to explore this age-old tradition.

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OWC Express 2.5″ Portable USB 3.0 – Review

With USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt ports available on recent computers, using an external storage device is becoming a very attractive option for a bootable drive. In this review we explore the OWC Express 2.5″ Portable USB 3.0 external enclosure as an option to install a bootable SSD to a 2012 Mac mini.

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ArtRage 4 for OS X – Review

When I purchased my first iPad several years ago, the first art painting app I installed was ArtRage. At the time it offered, and yet continues to have, the most realistic oil painting brushes of any painting app for the iPad or iPhone. As I use it so frequently on my iPad, I was eager to use the Mac OS X version on my new iMac.

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FaceFilter3 Pro for the Mac – Review

FaceFilter3 Pro is a photo retouching toolkit that allows you to enhance your portraits utilizing a multi-layer makeup system. The software package has tools for skin color tone adjustment, skin smoothing, and blemish removal. It also includes hundreds of templates for one-click make up applications.

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Take Control of Upgrading to Mavericks

Although Mavericks (OS 10.9) differs from previous OS upgrades in being free and more readily installed “over” existing systems, users can still benefit from adequate preparation, from planning, from a thorough understanding of Mavericks’ benefits (and possible pitfalls) and from access to a rich set of resources to make the most of it. Experienced Mac author Joe Kissell’s ebook, Take Control of Upgrading to Mavericks, provides all of that – and more.

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Mac Kung Fu book cover

Mac Kung Fu – Book Review

Mac Kung Fu is a collection of hundreds of little things that can make a big difference in the way your Mac works. I’m always surprised when someone stumbles across features that I’ve known for years but are new to them. Mac Kung Fu is full of that kind of stuff. While you may be aware of some of these tips, I doubt many besides the author will know all of these.

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Cover of Mac Hacks book

Mac Hacks – Book Review

The cover of Mac Hacks features a Swiss Army knife, which is very fitting given the breadth of topics this book addresses. The hacks covered in this book range from Quick Hacks for Mountain Lion to Give Your Polycarbonate Mac a Dye Job. But whether you consider yourself a “hacker” or not, this book contains some great information that many Mac users will find useful. Topics like Create a Great Backup and Create a Bootable Flash Drive should be of interest to many Mac owners.

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