Optoma NuForce BE6i Wireless Headphones – Review

Optima NuForce BE6i arrived with a boat-load of earpieces including two with sound deadening memory foam and two small wings that help hold the earphones in place. As with most in-ear headphones, a key factor in comfort and sound quality is the earpiece fit, and these have seven styles to chose from.

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NuForce BE Sport3 Bluetooth In-ear Headphones – Review

OptomaUSA’s new BE Sport3 Bluetooth In-ear Headphones are excellent for music listening during active sports, while reading the paper, and when doing the dishes. Choose a comfortable set of ear tips from the many sizes and materials included, then select a pair of wing stabilizers to keep the buds in place while on the go. Stow the headphones in the squishy neoprene case with an affixed carabiner clip.

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Olala 64GB iDisk Mobile Memory – Review

Smartphones make it easy to take pictures. As a result, many people end up with huge amounts of precious storage space filled with images they’ve captured over a long period of time. If your phone has 16 GB of storage, you will find yourself running out of space and looking at warning messages unless you clean house or use a device like this 64GB Olala iDisk to move images and documents off the phone for instant remote viewing.

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