Abby iPhone Case for iPhone 6s/Plus – Review

Peralta is a line of bags developed by WaterField Designs, a San Francisco design company. This design company has a number of products for tech-savvy customers such as the Staad Backpack and Bolt Briefcase. The Peralta line was created for professional women juggling life’s many responsibilities. I had the pleasure to review the Abby iPhone Case for the iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, Samsung Galaxy and other phones of similar or larger sizes. As advertised it is an all in one elegant phone case and stylish purse.

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HandL iPhone 6/6S Case – Review

Holding your phone while multitasking can be awkward when note-taking, pushing a stroller, grocery shopping, unlocking a door, or many other potentially clumsy moments. The new one-handed HandL case for the iPhone 6 and 6S will be a big help.

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Lifeproof FRE Case for iPhone 6s Plus – Review

Putting the Lifeproof FRÄ’ case on your iPhone is pretty easy. You merely clean your screen with the included microfiber cloth, place your iPhone face down into the front half of the case, and snap on the rear section of the case. Just make sure you work your way all the way around the perimeter of the case to make sure the two halves are seated together properly. Instructions are provided, but I don’t think most people would need them.

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Macally 3000 mAh Battery Case – Review

We use our iPhones all day long listening to music, texting, following driving directions. After a few hours we realize the battery is almost depleted and theres nowhere to charge the phone, or we dont have a Lightning connector or spare battery. Yikes! What to do? The Macally 3000 mAh Battery Case is the perfect solution.

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