in:play App – Review

in:play is a music player app that accesses your iTunes music library but the big differentiator between the iOS Music player and in:play is its beautifully designed, typographic interface. The clean, minimalist design is spare but includes all the features you’d expect and some clever extras you wouldn’t.

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The Biggest Losers

With not much else to report on, tech blogs seem focused on two things concerning the iPhone 5/ iOS 6 launch. The first is that the iPhone was SUCH a disappointing launch with ONLY 5 million units sold the first weekend. ONLY 5 million sold. The only constraint wasn’t a lack of customers, but a lack of hardware. Apple probably could have sold another 5 million that first weekend if they had them, but they didn’t. So for analysts to claim that they should have sold 7-8 million is nonsense and apparently that’s the basis for their disappointment?

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Take Control of iTunes 10: The FAQ 2.0

Take Control of iTunes 10: The FAQ, Second Edition – Review

Okay, okay, I’m convinced! I need an iPad! Trying to read a 170-page PDF file on a laptop or desktop monitor is suckiness of the highest order! I promise’”next big bonus (yes, business at my employer’s has improved to the point that we’re seeing bonuses again, and if this first small one is any indication, the next one should get me real close to a new Retina Display iPad). I will not do another electronic book review until I get an iPad!

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HELO TC Assault

Griffin Technology’s HELO TC Assault – Review

Every now and then I get a chance to play with a cool new toy. Usually, by “new cool toy” I’m referring to some computer-related tool, self-defense weapon, firearm, or bicycle. This time, it’s a genuine toy. I’m referring to the Griffin HELO TC Assault remote control helicopter.

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TidBITS Take Control of Mail eBook – Review

Reading email is something everyone does with their iPad. The Mail app is arguably one of the most used apps on any iOS device. Most of the time, reading mail is a painless exercise. There are times when it can be downright aggravating too. TidBITS Publishing’s Take Control Series of eBooks has the answer to just about any question you may have about iOS Mail in Take Control of Mail on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, by Joe Kissell.

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Bento 4 for iPad – Review

Bento 4 for iPad (Bento 4), recently released by FileMaker (of FileMaker Pro fame), has been totally redesigned from the ground up. Bento 4 boasts 25 new templates and 40 retina-ready themes. Now it’s easier than ever to design a database from scratch on the iPad. No Mac needed.

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rePLAY Retractable Audio Cable – Review

If you have an audio or headphone jack in your car, this little retractable audio cable will do a nice job of simplifying your cable clutter. It’s a simple device: two 3.5mm audio plugs at either end of a thin, flat cable. The feature that makes this different from a plain cable is a spring-loaded spool in the middle. Pull both ends and the cable extends from a few inches to nearly three feet in length. There are stops along the way so this cable can be adjusted to whatever length fits your car and your needs.

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Get Snow Leopard For Free!

In this case the deal is legitimate and helps many MobileMe users take the next step to becoming iCloud users. The offer does not extend to non-MobileMe subscribers. It is interesting to note that even though I have already made the transition to iCloud from MobileMe, Apple is still willing to send me a free copy of Snow Leopard.

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