KitCam – Review

I am a passionate photographer. I love to take pictures but sometimes after you have taken the picture you think what if I added this effect or framed it? Well that’s where KitCam comes in. It does all these things and many more.

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CamCard home screen

CamCard – Review

I had a problem and CamCard was the solution. My problem was that I had collected a large handful of business cards at Macworld that I wanted to keep on file, but I didn’t want to keep the cards lying around gathering dust. I also didn’t want to enter them into my usual Address Book and mix them in with more personal contacts. CamCard gave me a really quick and easy way to capture the cards and their info, and clear off my desk.

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iStopMotion – Review

I am a big fan of taking videos and especially of motion capture video. I am a big admirer of films such as Wallace and Gromit that use motion capture video, so when I got the chance to review iStopMotion I was looking forward to seeing what I would be able to do with it.

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Where I think Apple is going (seriously)

So here’s where we are. The press going crazy for an Apple product that doesn’t officially exist and tons of articles already saying it’s either the best thing they’ve ever done or a huge mistake with not too much in between. Well no surprise there as you could take the flotsam of Apple articles on any given day over the last ten years and see exactly the same thing. Will there be an iWatch or whatever? I have no idea and honestly (wait for it) iDon’tcare.

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Fantastical for Mac and iPhone – Review

I don’t use the built-in calendar apps on my MacBook or iDevices very much. I still love my paper calendar hanging in the kitchen. There was nothing compelling about the calendar apps that made me want to use them. Since I started using Fantastical I’ve had a change of heart.

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Rhapsody Music Subscription Service – Review

When Steve Jobs introduced the original iPod, he told us that people wanted to own their music, not rent it. Now that there is sufficient bandwidth to support streaming, subscription services such as Rhapsody have become compelling alternatives to downloading and storing music on your computer. If you spend around $10 per month on music, Rhapsody makes sense.

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beamer App – Review

With beamr you can easily make what appears to be a virtual magazine by choosing photos from your iPhone’s Camera Roll. Click the Create button and you’ll have a link to share with friends by email or by posting on social media sites. Your photos appear full size and can be downloaded by your recipients.

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WWF Together – iPad App Review

For over 50 years, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been the leading authority and educator for everything related to wildlife and the inevitable loss of species on our planet. WWF Together takes this legacy and delivers invaluable information in a free iPad app that is amazing in its design and delivery of visual and text based information.

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Nuance Paperport Notes – Review

There are many applications that do word processing but this one from Nuance goes further than most. It actually lets you take advantage of dictation on your iPad. Considering Nuance brought us Dragon dictation, it is not surprising dictation transcription is part of the application but it is integrated very well.

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Take Control of Networking & Security in iOS 6 – Book Review

Did you ever wonder how to set up a mobile hotspot? Maybe you don’t understand the difference between WPA2 and WEP security. What’s the big deal about having a secure password for a home WiFi network? If you ever had any of these question, Glenn Fleishman answers all these questions, and more, in his latest book, Take Control of Networking & Security in iOS 6.

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PicIT24 screenshot of of cartoon guy

PicIT24 – Review

The app greets you with a summary of the daily contributions of users. A grid of photos or quotes or both is front and center, along with the date and a timer of how long you have remaining to get your own contribution posted today. Alternate views include the top pics of the day/month/year/favorites or the pics of people you follow. You can also view pics/quotes sorted by groups you’ve created such as friends or family.

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Cosmos Story Vol1 – App Review

As an amateur astronomer and a volunteer with Project ASTRO, I regularly use the concept of scale to help teach astronomy and engage our students in visualizing and grasping the immensity of our universe. I typically use examples scaled in the dimension of physical length, area, and volume to assist in illustrating the distance and sizes of planets, our solar system and neighboring stars and galaxies.

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t-JAYS Four In-Ear Headphones With JAYS Curves Digital Signal Processing – Nemo Memo

The t-JAYS Four (abbreviated as tJ4) headphone are almost (or better than) conventional, which is a good thing. Multiple size comfortable tips and a too-small carrying case are provided in the idiosyncratic standard JAYS hard shell product packaging that we have described in prior reviews of JAYS products.

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Maxell AirStash – Review

Have you ever wished you had more space on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch for more music, movies, podcasts, photos, or files? Maybe you have the 16gb model and could really use the 32gb model, but you can’t afford a new device. Maybe you have the 64gb iPad and have no larger storage option. If this sounds like you, the AirStash by Maxell might be the device you are looking for. At a retail price starting at $149.99 you can add a minimum of 8gb to your device and you are only limited by the size of a 32gb card and how many cards you want to carry.

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2012 Holiday Gift Guide for Techies – Nemo Memo

If you are reading this and you are not fully backed up using Time Machine and Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper, stop immediately and order a new external multi-interface bus-powered backup drive or two. Keep one drive handy for daily updates, and the other offsite for safety and security. Email the G-Men on the MyMac Podcast if you need advice on how to use Time Machine and the other two backup applications.

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