AudioQuest JitterBug USB Data & Power Noise Filter – Review

The AudioQuest JitterBug looks exactly like a small USB flash drive (also called thumb drive), but unlike those drives, the JitterBug has a USB-A input on one end and a USB-A output on the other end. Therefore, you plug the JitterBug into a standard USB-A port on your computer, and then plug your DAC, or digital audio converter, into the JitterBug.

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Macstock Conference and Midwest Mac BBQ 2015 Summary

A huge round of applause to Mike Potter, Barry Fulk, and the entire Macstock/BBQ crews for all their hard work and hospitality. From start to finish, the conference proceeded with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine especially lunch. As someone allergic to everything except air and water, the team went out of their way to make me a special lunch accommodating all my dietary restrictions. Not only was it dairy and gluten free, it was absolutely delicious near-impossible feat with all those limitations.

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Are We There Yet? – WWDC Perspective 2015

Here we are with another Apple WWDC Keynote under our belts and we are all trying to take in, evaluate and ponder what Apple has shown us. Once again the many keynote speakers took to the stage and zipped (mainly) through a myriad of new services and features that we can all look forward to trying and hopefully enjoying ourselves a little later in the year.

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iRig 2 from IK Multimedia – Guitar Interface for Mac, iOS, and Android – Review

IK Multimedia continues their wave of innovation with the release of iRig 2, an analog guitar interface for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, and select Android users. iRig 2 adds an adjustable input gain control, 1/4″ output, and a new direct passthrough mode, making it a worthy successor to the original iRig from 2010. IK’s ability to add these new features while maintaining the same affordable price make the iRig 2 a must-have for any musician interested in mobile music production.

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iRig Mic Field – Nemo Memo user report

This high quality compact and versatile iOS Lightning port microphone is much better than the built-in mic on Apple’s iOS equipment. Recordings are clear and crisp. Audio fidelity is very impressive at all sound levels. A turn knob on the side of the unit adjusts input volume. This microphone works with all Apple and third party iOS recording apps. Thick-edged iDevice cases may obstruct the Lightning tip’s insertion.

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Astropad – Review

As an artist, and art teacher, who has been using my computer to create artwork for over two decades, one tool that I have always wanted is a Wacom Cintiq. If you dont know what a Cintiq is, it is basically a drawing tablet that doubles as your computer monitor. Therefore, you draw on your monitor making it more like a true drawing experience than drawing on a non monitor type of tablet where you draw on the tablet but have to look up for your results on your display.

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Audioengine B2 Bluetooth Speaker – Review

Audioengine’s new B2 Bluetooth Speaker is the best single-cabinet AC powered speaker you have never heard, with the best Bluetooth range you have never experienced. B2’s design is as retro classic as its engineering is advanced. Two powerful speakers are shielded and mounted in a natural wood cabinet that is available in three finishes. Audio output is studio reference quality for flat frequency response, and maximum volume will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.

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iPhone 4S on Tracfone, a Personal Experience

You may be wondering why I am writing about an old iPhone 4S. Isnt everyone rushing out to get a new iPhone 6 or 6 plus? You are probably asking what the heck is this Tracfone thing? This is just another one of my personal experiences that I felt was worth sharing with our MyMac reader audience.

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Nemo’s 2014 Hardware Accessory Roundup, Part 4 – Heart Rate Watch and Executive Speaker

Mio’s ALPHA is a stylish, rugged, easy to use fitness watch that is as versatile as it is light weight. Within seconds of opening its carton you will be charging its battery via the dedicated, custom USB cable, and within hours you will be using this attractive watch to its optimum capability.

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“If only” thoughts on iOS

If only#1. Heres a iPhone contradiction. One of the common complaints about the iPhone is that its battery doesnt allow heavy users to get through a long day without recharging. Yet with each iteration, Apple makes the phone thinner. I think there is room in Apples line-up to make, lets call it, an iPhone XL (Extended Life), or iPhone Pro. It would be a couple of millimeters thicker [gasp!] to accommodate a larger battery. Apple says that the iPhone 6 will yield up to 10 hours of internet use. How about an iPhone 6XL that will yield 16 hours? 20 hours? There are users who would gladly shell out additional cash for this and would not mind compromising a little extra thickness.

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Binary Formations Home Inventory – Review

Home Inventory for the Mac keeps an inventory of your valuables, storing important information about each item and making it easy to provide documentation for insurance claims in the event of loss or property damage. The app allows the addition of photos and receipts to identify, assess value, and provide proof of ownership.

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Keep Track of Your Car’s Condition With Lemur BlueDriver Advanced Scan Tool

The Lemur BlueDriver is system comprised of a free IOS (or Android) app, and an intelligent device (the Bluetooth OBD-II sensor) that plugs into your cars OBD-II port, most often located under your cars dashboard, to the left of the steering column. This is the same port that is used by your auto mechanic to troubleshoot what’s gone wrong.

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