What are those three buttons in the top left of any desktop window? They also appear in almost any app that runs with windows. One is red, one is yellow, and one is green. You might even call them traffic light buttons.
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What are those three buttons in the top left of any desktop window? They also appear in almost any app that runs with windows. One is red, one is yellow, and one is green. You might even call them traffic light buttons.
Read MoreApple doesn’t always make things easy. Especially when it comes to audio. However with a little bit of searching, you might find that all
Read MoreJust a year ago, I replaced the hard drive in my new MacBook Pro with a 256GB SSD. The difference in speed and performance just blew me away. So as I continued to use my 2011 Mac Mini with its original 500GB hard drive, everything just seemed to get slower and slower until I couldnt take it anymore. I did my research and decided I was going to order a DIY Data Doubler kit with a 240GB SSD and tool kit from OWC.
Read MoreOK (I hear you asking). Just HOW does Guy create the MyMac Podcast each week with such incredible skill, good taste, and handsome features? I may be projecting a bit on that last one…and maybe the others too, but with a little help (and by little I mean almost all the credit) from Dave Hamilton from the Mac Geek Gab I managed to finally get it working consistently.
Read MoreSome of us who write reviews and articles here at MyMac like to think we’ve got this whole Mac computer, iPad, iPhone, iStuff thing pretty well nailed down, but the truth is many of us fly by the seat of our pants with this tech stuff.
Read MoreReading email is something everyone does with their iPad. The Mail app is arguably one of the most used apps on any iOS device. Most of the time, reading mail is a painless exercise. There are times when it can be downright aggravating too. TidBITS Publishing’s Take Control Series of eBooks has the answer to just about any question you may have about iOS Mail in Take Control of Mail on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, by Joe Kissell.
Read MoreAdd contacts and groups to Address Book
Read MoreLearn how easy it is to change the desktop background picture or screen saver on your Mac.
Read MoreIn this case the deal is legitimate and helps many MobileMe users take the next step to becoming iCloud users. The offer does not extend to non-MobileMe subscribers. It is interesting to note that even though I have already made the transition to iCloud from MobileMe, Apple is still willing to send me a free copy of Snow Leopard.
Read MoreQuickTime X-use it for more than watching videos.
Read MoreMuch of the recognition with Siri on the new iPhone 4S is its ability to schedule meetings, set timers and reminders, and come up with some pretty humorous responses to off the wall questions. What hasn’t gotten a lot of press is one of the more powerful tools Siri’s voice-cognition capabilities offers to users of the iPhone 4S.
Read MoreLarry travels a dark, dark road, going to a remembered but unpleasant, and what most dedicated Mac users might even say, scary place. Read on.
Read MoreThe Little Mac Book is a long running series of books which many Mac users, including myself, have been exposed to when first attempting to use the Mac platform.
Read MoreThe Mac OS X Lion Project Book takes a look at stuff you can do on your Mac. It explores the new operating system along with additional popular software and hardware to further enhance your user experience.
Read MoreClass On Demand Complete Training for Adobe Photoshop CS5 is offered as an online class or a DVD. I used the online class rather than the DVD for this review.
Read MoreLike most how-to books, The Book of Audacity doesn’t need to be read in order. Jump around and read what looks interesting. For me, Chapter Three: Transferring Vinyl LPs (and Other Legacy Media) to CD, and Chapter Seven: Creating Podcasts, in addition to Chapter One: Audacity from Start to Finish, are alone worth the price of the book.
Read MoreThe first thing you’re likely to be struck by is Doug Zangar’s clear, authoritative yet approachable manner and style in delivering material with which he’s obviously extremely familiar and about which re-assuringly knowledgeable. Not to mention understandably enthusiastic, for Logic’s Score Editor is indeed very powerful.
Read MoreIf you need a simple screencasting program, take a look at Screenium.
Read MoreCreating screencasts with free tools was, a short while ago, almost impossible. The necessary optimizations an application needs in order to record the screen properly were either not made or bound to a specific web site. In itself nothing bad there, but tools weren’t very flexible either. Using free software still is something where one needs to keep an eye open (performance-wise). The field, however, became much more diverse recently.
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