That Sciency thing!

Yes, I know “Sciency” isn’t really a word, but it fits the narrative so that’s where I’m going with it. Also by “thing” I

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My New iPhone SE on TracFone, Another Personal Experience

Back in December 2014 I wrote about my personal experience of installing my iPhone 4S on the TracFone 3G wireless system. You are welcomed to read this article in our MyMac archives. Last month Apple released the new and smaller iPhone SE and I elected to purchase the unlocked 64 gigabyte model to replace my still functioning but somewhat dated iPhone 4S.

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Audio Hijack – User Report Review

Audio Hijack in its most basic sense is a way to capture audio from your Mac. If you want to record audio from a microphone, a website or an application, you can do that and a whole lot more. It looks so simple to use yet can also do many complex and rewarding audio tasks.

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Macspiration Basics: Email a Link From Safari

Have you ever visited a website in Safari on your Mac and wanted to share that link via email to someone you know? If you go to the File menu and choose Share you can choose to “Email this page,” but that will send the entire page in an email. What if you just want to send a link?

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Macspiration Basics: Add a URL link in your Dock

If you ever wanted to have a link to a website without bookmarking it in Safari, here’s a way to add it to your Dock. From the desired web page go to the website field at the top of Safari.  “+” will appear to the left of the website. Click and drag that “+” to your Dock.

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Macspiration Basics: Rename a file

Have you ever wanted to change the name of a file on your Mac? Maybe it is a screenshot and you want to remove the generic name to a name that helps you identify the file better. Renaming a file on your Mac couldn’t be easier.

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