GR8 In-Ear Headphones – Review

I spent the last four afternoons outside in the late-winter sun of southern Arizona, evaluating GR8 while listening to dozens of free Amazon download tracks in a wide array of musical styles. The sound is immersive, placing my hearing senses fully and exclusively within the headphones’ immediate performance space.

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ifrogz EarPollution Reflex and Timbre Earbuds – Review

It seems like most people just use the Apple earbuds that come with their iPods, but if you’re mowing your lawn you can’t hear your music. If you’re running, the earbuds won’t stay in your ears. Thus the need to buy in-ear earbuds.ifrogz sells an extensive line of earbuds and headphones, some of which have built-in mics like the Reflex and Timbre reviewed here.

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BudFits – Review

I know that there are a lot of iPod users out there that still use the earbuds that came with their iPod either because they just like the earbuds or they haven’t found anything better to use. For those of you still using Apple’s earbuds and are into physical fitness, then mosey on over to the InnoVelis website and check out BudFits.

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