StarTech USB 3.0/eSATA Dual – Review

I had a few hard drives sitting around on my desk for many months and I was looking for a way to put them to good usage. I saw this StarTech device that seemed to be a perfect fit for my requirement. When I received the unit I immediately put my two 1.5 TB Seagate drives in it and tested the unit’s capability.

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Macally Aluminum USB 3.0 External 2.5″ SATA Hard Drive Enclosure – Review

That would be the Macally Aluminum USB 3.0 External 2.5” SATA Hard Drive Enclosure. This tiny enclosure packs some serious speed. The enclosure comes as an empty shell. All it has in the box is the USB 3.0 cable and the lightweight aluminum shell. The enclosure is held together with four screws, two on each end. You can take off either end to insert your 2.5-inch drive, but the end with the pretty blue light has the control electronics, so it would be best to take off this end for ease of installation.

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Macally Aluminum USB 3.0 External 2.5″ SATA Hard Drive / SSD Enclosure – Review

Even in the digital age I seem to have the ability to occupy all of the space available. Recently, I upgraded the hard drive in my laptop computer. This left me with a perfectly functional internal drive outside of my computer. Macally to the rescue. Their Aluminum USB Hard Drive Enclosure is just the ticket to turn the delicate, surplus hard drive into rugged, ready storage for the road warrior.

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Travel Tips for Techies (And Everyone Else) – Nemo Memo

I just returned from my fourth weekend trip taken during the past two months. Two journeys were by car and two were by airplane. I live in Tucson in southern Arizona. One trip each was to Nevada and northern Arizona, and two were to Marin County, north of San Francisco, California. The California flights were for family occasions, and both Nevada and northern Arizona were for sightseeing. Only the Arizona trip included other people: daughter and son-in-law. We took our small family dog with us on the sightseeing trips and also on the first California flights.

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Data Rescu 4 Bootwell

Data Rescue 4 – Review

Data Rescue is available in several versions: Free, Lite, Standard, and Pro, each supporting different levels of file recovery on Mac OS X 10.7.5 and later. I tested these on three MacBook Pro and Air models, with SSD and traditional magnetic hard drives.

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PhotoFast’s MAX Extreme and Hello Kitty Lightning USB External iOS Storage – Nemo Memo

Attention owners of iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices that are full or nearing capacity. Help has arrived. Stop deleting a movie here or some video podcasts there or a few hundred photos elsewhere to free up a bit of space. PhotoFast’s MAX Extreme and Hello Kitty Lightning USB External iOS Storage mini-drives are the solutions to your storage crisis.

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Macally WIFISD2 Wireless iOS Media Hub and Travel Router – Review

Macally’s new WIFISD2 is the perfect gift for someone who has almost everything. Not enough space on your iPhone or iPad for your movies, photos, music, games, and more? No problem! This Wireless iOS Media Hub and Travel Router can handle infinite SD cards, USB flash drives, USB external drives, with either network Wi-Fi pass through or an Ethernet cable connection. Even better: WIFISD2 has an internal battery that can both power it and charge an external USB device.

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NewerTech Universal Drive Adapter – Review

There are any number of scenarios in which it is necessary to connect a bare which is to say uncased previously internal hard disk (HDD) to your Mac so that the data on the HDD can be retrieved, edited, or have new data added alongside. The NewerTech Universal Drive Adapter makes that possible.

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FLAC on the Mac – A brief summary of digital audio file formats

This article covers the most common digital audio file types. I discuss why they were developed, how they’re used, and their advantages and disadvantages. Then I explain how best to preserve and protect a music collection from physical loss, or loss of compatibility with current hardware and music players.

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Prosoft Drive Genius 4 – Review

Drive Genius 4 (DG4) is the latest version of Prosoft Engineering’s popular utility designed to fine tune your Mac and head-off technical catastrophes. If you’ve used an earlier version, you’ll find a new and improved user interface and some additional features.

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Drive Genius 4 – First look user report for BootWell disk repair – Nemo Memo

Drive Genius 4 (abbreviated as DG4) has Macintosh repair utilities that can be used individually or one after another, as needed, that are more powerful than Apple’s Disk Utility. Typically you use them one at a time to solve problems and do preventive maintenance. Included are: Secure Erase, Clone, Fix Permissions, Rebuild, Repair, Consistency Check, Physical Check, Active Files, Instant Drive Pulse, Speed, Icon Genius, Find Large Files, Find Duplicates, Defragment, and BootWell, which is being discussed in this article.

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Seagate 1TB Wireless Plus – Review

People love their iPads, iPhones, iPod touches, and will most likely love whatever new iThings Apple comes out with in the future. They’re fast, efficient, portable, capable of nearly anything you might want a desktop or laptop computer for, but there’s a basic need in which they are sorely lacking. No, it isn’t multiple user support, or better multi-tasking, or its lack of a usable file system (though it sure would be nice if they included some of those). Its storage. Seagate has something that will give you that storage and a lot of it!

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Nemo’s 2014 Hardware Accessory Roundup, Part 3: MacBook riser stand and 6TB Enterprise HDD

This beautiful and functional brushed aluminum stand from the fashion forward folks at Rain Design keeps your laptop Mac cool and high at the same time. Set your MacBook Pro onto iLevel 2’s angled base plate, slide the front silver knob to the desired height for optimal screen viewing position, tilt the display-half of your computer to best viewing angle, and consider $69 U.S. a modest price for such ergonomic style and convenience.

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Seagate SSHD 1TB Solid State Hybrid Drive – The Best Little Hard Drive in Texas, or Anywhere! – Nemo Memo

There are many online comments on this innovative little replacement laptop hard drive from Seagate, now in its third generation. Purchasers post remarks ranging from extreme satisfaction to total failure. I chose to evaluate this product for its splendid archive purposes, not as a new internal drive.

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Seagate Central – Review

Are you worried about your documents, precious photos, music library, and data stored in The Cloud? Ever thought about how secure your personal information is when it is all sitting in a data center somewhere? Instead of trusting your stuff to someone else’s cloud, how about putting it in your own cloud?

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