Book Bytes – MyMac Magazine #42

Claris Em@iler Companion by Tom Dell AP Professional (Claris Press) <> ISBN 0-12-208865-4, 293 pages $27.95 U.S. With this book, we welcome AP Professional

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Review – RAM Doubler 8.0.1

RAM Doubler 8.0.1 Company: Connectix Corp. Estimated Price: $44.99 What would you do with more RAM? Start thinking, because RAM Doubler 8.0.1 from Connectix

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Review – GoMac 1.5v3

GoMac 1.5v3 Proteron, L.L.C. Shareware: $19.95 If there was one measly, single feature in Windows 95 or 98 that you could consider decent, what

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